
State University of New York at Old Westbury
School of Business                                           
Instructor: Dr. Alireza Ebrahimi
BU4035– Web Systems & E-Commerce                                 
Office: NAB 0071
Office Hours:
Tuesday & Thursdays:
1pm-2:30pm in NAB 0071
11:30am-1pm in NAB 0071
or any other time by appointment
Phone Number: 
Cell 917-279-4432 (preference 11am-11pm)                

Email: &

Website: &

**Periodically check Blackboard for updated announcements**
Text Book:
Creating a Web Site: The Missing Manual, Second Edition By: Matthew MacDonald Publisher: O'Reilly Media December 2008 ISBN:978-0-596-52097-7 (other versions by instructor acknowledgement only)
Website: Basic Guide to E-Commerce
C++ PROGRAMMING: EASY WAYS VOLUME TWO, Alireza Ebrahimi, American Press
A.1.     Course Description
This course covers the basics of Web Systems, furthering an understanding of them through the development of e-commerce applications and systems. The course provides an overview of several current web technologies, including client side applications, such as web design using JavaScript and VBScript and server side applications on Apache (Linux) and IIS (Windows) using CGI, ASP and Java Servlet technologies. Students will implement an e-commerce application using the learned components involved in a web system and e-business strategies. Projects are carried out individually and in groups.
A.2.     Intended Audience:  
Business Administration-General
A.3.     Course Objectives:   
The objective of this course is for students to understand different Web technologies and systems. Students will be familiar with diverse web-programming languages such as HTML, JAVASCRIPT, C++, CGI as well as Apache and IIS server technologies. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to design web-based business applications using marketing and commercial principles.
A.4.     Course Learning Goals:
Student will be able to apply the learned material in design of a high quality e-commerce system based on evaluating criteria known as 7x2C. (content, context), (correctness, credibility), (currency, continuity), (completeness, coverage), (consistency,
conciseness), (community, customization), and (compelling, creativity)
B.        Prerequisites:
C.        Mode of Instruction:
The class consists of both lecture and lab. During the lab, there will be demonstrations using Internet and web technologies.
D.        Student Responsibilities:
You are expected to attend all schedule class sessions in order to maximize your learning.  If you must be absent from a class, it is your responsibility to contact your instructor to obtain all misses assignments.  You should also make arrangements to obtain the class notes from another student.  You are also expected to do all assigned readings; to complete all homework, laboratory assignments, and projects; to take all required assessments (exams, quizzes) and to come to class prepared to participate in all activities. 
  1. Each student will be expected to complete web project
  2. There will be a test, midterm and final exam.
  3. Students must plan to spend a minimum of two (2) hours per week outside of the class working with computer.
Attendance Policy:
It is understood that illness or unforeseen circumstances will, on occasion, prevent class attendance. Excessive absences and habitual tardiness in attending class may have an adverse affect on class performance, the final grade for the course, and could result in the student failing the course.
Finally, while in class, students are expected to behave in a manner that is respectful of other students’ right to learn. Therefore, disruptive behaviors of any kind will not be tolerated and such behaviors could affect a student’s final grade or result in the student being removed from the class.
A grade of Incomplete (I) may be assigned by the instructor when:
Extenuating circumstances, such as accident or illness, make it impossible for the student to complete the course work by the end of the semester;
The student has completed most of the course work at a passing level;
The instructor expects that the student will be able to complete the remainder of the course requirements by the end of the following semester.
A grade of “I” remains in effect for one semester. A student must make appropriate arrangements with his/her instructor to complete the course requirements. The instructor will inform the student concerning the specific scope and nature of the work that must be completed. To certify fulfillment of course requirements, the instructor is expected to submit a letter grade by the end of the following semester. If the instructor does not submit a grade, the Registrar will automatically assign a grade of F unless the instructor submits a written request to the Registrar for an extension, or the student has filed an application for CR/NC, in which case a grade of NC would be assigned. Students who are completing an incomplete should not register for that course in the semester that they are completing the incomplete.
Students wishing to withdraw from the course after the seventh week of the semester MUST deliver a signed withdrawal request to me which then must be given to the Registrar for processing. Students who stop attending class without officially withdrawing will be assigned a FAILING grade. The last day to withdraw from class is April 29, 2010.
E.1.     Grading:
Final course evaluation will be based on the following percentage weight of each type of Learning Activity:
At least 4 entries per module, 7 modules
Writing Assignments: 
5 assignments at 5% each
Midterm and Final:
Midterm 10%, Final 10%
There will be 4 quizzes at 5% each
The numerical average of the four groups of grades will determine your final course grade:
90-100 = A
80 - 89 = B
70 - 79 = C
60 - 69 = D
59 and under = F
E.2.     Missed Exams:
It is the responsibility of the student, to know when exams are being given.  Exams that are missed will not be given a makeup unless a valid excuse is given for not being present for the exam.  All missed exams will result in a zero for that exam.  Only one make-up exam will be given for missed exams.  There is no make-up for a make-up.
Academic Misconduct:
The student is expected to complete the coursework on their own. Handing in someone else’s work and copying of another student’s paper during an exam is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct for the State University of New York at Old Westbury (see policies and definitions below).
Academic Integrity:
The following policies and definitions were taken from the college catalog of the State University of New York College at Old Westbury:
As is the policy of all SUNY institutions, students are expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty in their college work. Any act which attempts to misrepresent to an instructor or College official the academic work of the student or another student, or an act that is intended to alter any record of a student’s academic performance by unauthorized means, constitutes academic dishonesty. Cheating, forgery, and plagiarism are considered serious offenses and are subject to disciplinary action.
Cheating is defined as giving or obtaining information by improper means in meeting any academic requirements. Examples of cheating, although not inclusive, include: Unauthorized giving or receiving of information for an examination, paper, laboratory procedure, or computer assignment (file or printout); taking an examination for another student or allowing another student to take an examination for you; altering or attempting to alter a grade either on graded work or in an instructor’s records or on any College form or record.
Plagiarism is defined as the use of material from another author whether intentional or unintentional, without referencing or identifying the source of the material. If students have any questions as to what constitutes plagiarism, it is their responsibility to get clarification by consulting with the appropriate instructor.
If you have or suspect you may have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact Dr. Lisa Whitten, Director, The Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (OSSD), Academic Village, D112, Phone: 516-976-3009, Fax (516) 876-3005, TTD: (516) 876-3083, The office will help you determine if you qualify for accommodations and help you get them. All support services are free and all contacts with the OSSD are strictly confidential. SUNY/Old Westbury is committed to assuring that all students have equal access to all learning activities and to social activities on campus.

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