Features of C++ Programming: Easy Ways
Explores easy ways to learn programming in C++
Makes the most difficult programming concepts understandable
Eases transition from C language to C++
Invites readers to participate and interact
Presents materials from different angles
While it is for beginners, it includes something for everyone
Knows what is important and what is not, does not overwhelm the reader
Includes practical ready to run prcatices with input and output
Forwards many first hand ideas and opinions
Covers data structures in an easy style
Combines both procedural and object oriented programming
Covers STL in an easy way and useful manner
Applies Web programming with C++
Demonstrates how to run a C++ program using VC++6.0, VC++.NET, Borland 5.02, and Linux GNU C++
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Quick C++ Video
C++ Programming: Easy ways Volume One
Chapter 1: TheEvolution of Computer Programming and Languages: An Overview of C and C++
Chapter 2: Input, Process, Output (IPO)
Chapter 3: Loop: Doing It Over and Over
Chapter 4: Decision Making: Making Programs Intelligent
Chapter 5: Array: Arrangement of Data
Chapter 6: Function: Organizing the Program
Chapter 7: Structure: Putting Related Items Together
Chapter 8: Object and Class: Everything as an Object of a Class
Chapter 9: File Handling: A Database
Chapter 10: Recursion: Function Calling Itself
Chapter 11: Sorting Algorithms and Analysis
Chapter 12: Searching to Look and to Find
Chapter 13: Address, Pointer Variable, Dynamic Memory Allocation
Appendix A: Visual C++6.0 Edit, Compile, and Run
Appendix B: Visual C++.NET Edit, Compile, and Run
Appendix C: Borland C++5.02 Edit, Compile, and Run with Debugger
Appendix D: Linux GNU C++
Chapter 14: Data Structures
Chapter 15: Polymorphism, Template, and ADT
Chapter 16: Inheritance: Reusability and Extendability
Chapter 17: Character manipulations, String Class and Iostream
Chapter 18: Standard Template Library
Chapter 19: Errors, Exception handling and Software Engineering
Chapter 20: Potpourri (Mixed Bag)
General Tests, Projects and Solutions
Sample Case Study Solution
Additional Websites
C++ Easy Programming
American Press-C++ Programming: Easy Ways by Alireza Ebrahimi