POTPOURRI (MIXED BAG) While wrapping up this book, I found there were many concepts and topics that should have been introduced in earlier chapters but did not fit into a single chapter. These topics are introduced here as a mixed bag with a variety of flavors. Also, I want to congratulate you for getting this far and covering the many chapters. Obviously you have obtained a unique and worthwhile experience. You should be proud and put into use what you have learned. In my own experience, I have found that repetition is the key to my own learning, whether learning a programming language or a natural language like Spanish or even Chinese. BIT-WISE OPERATIONS One power of C/C++ is the ability to perform low-level operations that are done by machine languages. These operations are performed on bits. Recall, numbers and addresses are represented in binary form internally. In many applications, especially hardware, it is desirable to work with these bits. The language of C/C++ is known as a language that works closely with hardware. Because of the importance of bit-wise operations, C/C++ chooses to use one key strike for bit-wise operators (&, |) and two strikes for the logical operators (&&, ||). The following symbols are used for the C/C++ bit-wise operations. | bit-wise or operator & bit-wise and operator ^ bit-wise exclusive or operator << shift left operator >> shift right operator ~ bit complement (unary operator) BIT-WISE OPERATIONS: EXAMPLES The general form of the bit-wise or operation is variable1 | variable2 where each variable of type integer is converted to binary (bits). The bit-wise or operation of two bits is zero if both corresponding bits are zero (0), otherwise the resulting bit is one (1). The general form of the bit-wise and (&) is variable1 & variable2, where each variable of type integer is converted to binary. The bit-wise and operation of two bits is one if the two corresponding bits have values of 1, otherwise the resulting bit is zero. The general form of the bit-wise exclusive or (^) operation is variable1 ^ variable2, where both variables and resulting variable are of type integer and are converted to binary. The exclusive or of two bits is zero if the two bits are the same, otherwise it is one. The exclusive or is different from the bit-wise or in that the exclusive or of two bits with values 1 results to zero. The & operator is often used to mask off certain bits, e.g. value & 1111111. The result sets all of the bits of the value to zero except the first 8 bits (low-order). In the following program, the binary representation for 3 is 011 and 5 is 101. The resulting bit-wise or is 111 which is 7, the resulting bit-wise and is 001 which is 1, and the resulting exclusive or is 110 which is 6. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int x,y,z; x=3; y=5; z=x | y; cout<<" BITWISE | OF TWO VALUES IS:"<<z<<endl; z=x & y; cout<<" BITWISE & OF TWO VALUES IS:"<<z<<endl; z=x ^ y; cout<<" BITWISE ^ OF TWO VALUES IS:"<<z<<endl; return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.1a - Program to demonstrate the bit-wise operators BITWISE | OF TWO VALUES IS:7 BITWISE & OF TWO VALUES IS:1 BITWISE ^ OF TWO VALUES IS:6Figure 20.1b - Output of Figure 20.1a BIT-WISE SHIFTS: SHIFT LEFT <<, SHIFT RIGHT >> The general form of the shift left operator is variable << n, where n is the number bits to be left shifted. As the bits are shifted left, a zero bit fills the shifted position (zero left padding). After each left shift, a 0 is added next to the least-significant bit of the binary number, which makes the number twice as large (multiply by 2). Similarly, the general form of right shift is variable >> n, where n is the number of bits to be right shifted. As the bits are right shifted, the shifted position (high-order bit) is filled with zero (zero right padding). After each right shift, the binary number looses the right bit, which is the same as dividing the number by 2. As an exercise try to shift left a negative number, including -1, or use the rotate operation to perform a circular shift by moving the lost bit to the other side. In the following program the value of 4 is left shifted by 2, resulting in a value of 16 and the value of 16 is right shifted by 1, resulting in a value of 8. Additionally note that the left shift and right shift operators are overloaded in C++ for input and output, and are known as extraction and insertion (cin>> , cout <<). #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int x =4; x= x << 2; cout<<" VALUE OF X AFTER LEFT SHIFT:"<<x<<endl; x = x >> 1; cout<<" VALUE OF X AFTER RIGHT SHIFT:"<<x<<endl; return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.2a - Program using bit-wise shift left and shift right VALUE OF X AFTER LEFT SHIFT:16 VALUE OF X AFTER RIGHT SHIFT:8Figure 20.2b - Output of Figure 20.2a COMPLEMENT OPERATOR ~ The form of the complement operator is ~variable, where a binary bit is converted to its opposite is also known as 1’s complement using the unary operator ~ ( tild ). For example, the complement of 1 is 0 and the complement of 0 is 1. A variable of type integer is converted to its binary form and complement is applied to it. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int x=1, y=~x; cout<<" "<<hex<<x<<endl; cout<<hex<<y<<endl; cout<<hex<<x+y<<endl; return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.3a - Program to demonstrate the complement operator 1 fffffffe ffffffffFigure 20.3b - Output of Figure 20.3a SWAP FUNCTION USING EXCLUSIVE OR If you are wondering what you can do with the bit-wise operators, here is an example that uses exclusive or to swap two values without introducing a temp variable so the program uses less memory. There are other tricks that can be done using the bit-wise operations to do certain things in an unordinary way. For example: performing multiplication by using shift left, division by using shift right, and subtraction by addition of the 2’s complement. As an exercise, encrypt/decrypt a file using an exclusive or (^).You may want to exclusive or each character with a selected ASCII character. #include<iostream> using namespace std; void swap(int &x, int &y){ y=x^y; x=x^y; y=x^y;}//SWAP int main(){ int x=5, y=6; cout<<"BEFORE: "<<x<<" "<<y<<endl; swap(x,y); cout<<"AFTER: "<<x<<" "<<y<<endl; return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.4a - Program using exclusive or to swap two values BEFORE: 5 6 AFTER: 6 5Figure 20.4b - Output of Figure 20.4a COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS Until now you may have wondered why in C/C++ in the main( ) we use open and close parentheses without anything inside the parentheses. Now is time to give the reason for it. One rationale for using parentheses is that the main program is a function and therefore, it can have parameters (arguments). For example, void main( ) is a function that does not take any parameters (argument-less) and returns nothing. However, a main program can have general parameters such as int main( int argc, char* argv[ ]). This main function has two special arguments, one known as argument counter (argc) which counts the number of arguments, and argument vectors (argv[ ]) which is an array of pointers to each argument. Automatically, these arguments are set and as a programmer you can use them to your advantage. HOW THE MAIN PROGRAM IS CALLED The main program is called from the operating system environment using a command prompt (DOS or UNIX prompt). The executable file name of the main program can be used to pass the parameters. For example, copy fileA fileB to fileC. The copy command calls an executable file known as copy.exe (generated from copy.cpp) with five arguments (argc is 5 including the file name). argv[0] is pointing to copy, argv[1] points to fileA, argv[2] points to fileB, argv[3] points to the word to, and argv[4] points to fileC. It is the programmer’s job to handle these arguments (words) and treat them as intended, whether they are a file or other information. You can understand how a system programmer has built the system commands by understanding the command line arguments. In fact you can make them friendlier and customize them to suit your own taste. SYSTEM PROGRAMMING One job of a system programmer is to build the commands that become the interface between the user (operating system) and the computer while carrying out the request of the user and utilizing the computer’s resources. For example, in UNIX the command cp fileA fileB copies the contents of fileA to fileB. Similarly, in DOS, the prompt copy fileA fileB does the same job. A system programmer can even make the above commands friendlier by inserting the word "to" between the source file and the destination file: copy fileA to fileB. If you understand the command line arguments, then you can build your own commands and customize them. You can make your own command-line calculator (e.g. add 2 + 3) or you can create generic searches (e.g. search tel Ebrahimi). The following program demonstrates a sample command line program for a copy command: #include<iostream> #include<fstream> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ if(argc<4) cout<<"TOO FEW PARAMETERS"; else{ ifstream fin(argv[1],ios::in); ofstream fout(argv[3],ios::out); char c; while(fin>>c){ fout<<c;}//WHILE fout.close(); fin.close(); }//ELSE return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.5a - Program demonstrating command-line arguments copy fileA to fileBFigure 20.5b - Output of Figure 20.5a ABCDEFFigure 20.5c - fileA ABCDEFFigure 20.5d - fileB This program copies the contents of one file, character by character, to another file. The above program is named copy.cpp. To create the copy command, you must compile the program with the line g++ -o copy copy.cpp; this sends the executable code to the copy command. To run this copy program, at the prompt type: copy fileA to fileB. RUN TIME TYPE ID (RTTI) In C++, the run time type information feature is supported by the typeid operator, which determines the type of a variable during run time. To use this feature you must include the header #include <typeinfo>. With the use of the typeid operator, two objects can be compared to determine if they are of the same type or not. One reason to use typeid is to figure out the type of object during run time and cast (convert) it if necessary. #include<typeinfo< #include <iostream< using namespace std; int main(){ double pi=3.14159; cout<<"TYPE OF VARIABLE IS: "<<typeid(pi).name()<<endl; if(typeid(pi).name() == typeid(double).name()) cout<<"THEY ARE SAME TYPE"<<endl; return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.6a - Program using the typeid operator TYPE OF VARIABLE IS: double THEY ARE SAME TYPEFigure 20.6b - Output of Figure 20.6a TYPE CONVERSION: CASTING, DYNAMIC CASTING, REINTERPRET A type can be converted legally, implicitly or explicitly, to another type. A type can be converted implicitly through assignment, one type to another, as long as the smaller type is assigned to the larger type to avoid loss of precision. A type can be converted explicitly by the use of an operator, known as a cast operator. The general form is (type) variable. For example, the function sqrt( x ) takes double as its argument, therefore for an integer value, it is necessary to convert the int type to double by casting it with the following: sqrt( (double) x). Note that the value of the variable is passed as a double, but the value of variable x does not change. Other than the C-style type casting, there are four more casting techniques in C++. In addition to casting the basic data types, the pointer type and user-defined types (classes) can be cast. The four different castings have a similar form: static_cast <newtype> (expression) and are explained below. reinterpret_cast: is mainly used for casting with a pointer, such as casting one pointer type to another pointer type or a pointer type to a non-pointer (e.g. int) type or vice versa. static_cast: is like C-style casting e.g. converting double to int. const_cast: is for constant casting and takes away the const casting. dynamic_cast: inspects the variable (object) type at run time and returns a valid pointer if the object is of the expected type or a null pointer if the object is not of the expected type. The dynamic _cast is mainly used in situations where the correctness of the type conversion cannot be determined during compile time. #include >iostream< using namespace std; int main(){ int myint; double mydoub = 876.54; myint=(int)mydoub; cout>>"C-STYLE CASTING:">>myint>>endl; myint=static_cast >int< (mydoub); cout>>"STATIC CASTING:">>myint>>endl; return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.7a - Program to illustrate C-Style and Static Casting C-STYLE CASTING:876 STATIC CASTING:876Figure 20.7b - Output of Figure 20.7a MULTIPLE FILE PROGRAM AND SEPARATE COMPILATION A big program can be broken into separate units: functions, modules, or even header file(s). Each of these units can be written in separate files, which can be compiled separately and linked together at a later time. There are many advantages to multiple-file programs and separate compilation; some advantages are: localizing error handling at an early stage, teamwork, reusability, and better organization. In a Linux environment, the command will compile the taxrate and overtime units: g++ -c taxrate.cpp overtimepay.cpp Similarly, the following command links a set of independent files that are compiled separately: g++ -o taxrate.o overtimepay.o main.cpp HEADER FILES: MAKING YOUR OWN INCLUDE As a program becomes larger, it is recommended to divide the program into modules and parts and keep them in separate files, rather than having them all in one file. However, these files may need to access some common variables as well as functions (prototypes) and can be saved under a name with the extension .h that can be used as a header file. One advantage is, rather than repeating the same information, we can simply include the file on top with the only difference that instead of angle brackets we use double quotations. Another advantage of header files is that any change or update in the header file is visible to others. For example, for a sort program that reads data and prints the unsorted and sorted data, we can use the following common code that is saved under a file called sort.h. #define MAXSIZE 10 #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <ctype> using namespace std; double lst[MAXSIZE]; void printlist(double lst[]); The following sort main program resides in a source file named sort.cpp and uses two header files; the header file sort.h and process.h are created for the function’s definitions. #include "sort.h" #include "process.h" main(){ }//MAIN SORT.CPP The following functions for the sort program are kept in another header file known as process.h. Remember that this header file uses the previously created header file as shown below. #include "sort.h" void readdatat(){ } void printdata(){ } int findlocmin(){ } A const FUNCTION A function can be declared as a constant (const) by providing the keyword const after the argument list (after parentheses) in the function declaration as well as in the function definition. A constant function does not modify its implicit arguments. Note that the implicit arguments are those that are accessible by this pointer. An example of a const member function is the const accessor function because its job is simply to access the member data of a class and not to modify it. Defining a function as const prevents the object (variable) from accidental or deliberate change. #include>iostream> using namespace std; class employee{ double salary; public: double getsalary() const{ return salary;} void setsalary(double amount){ salary=amount;} void printsalary() const{ cout>>"SALARY: ">>salary>>endl;} };//EMPLOYEE int main(){ employee ebrahimi; ebrahimi.setsalary(1000.00); ebrahimi.printsalary(); double bonus=500.00; cout>>"SALARY WITH BONUS: "; cout>>ebrahimi.getsalary()+bonus; return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.8a - Program utilizing a const function SALARY: 1000 SALARY WITH BONUS: 1500Figure 20.8b – Output of Figure 20.8a In this program, the function declaration and definition are in the same place. The format for the function declaration of a constant function is as follows: double getsalary( ) const;. In this program, both getsalary( ) and printsalary( ) are constant functions and hence, they do not modify the object. If you try to change salary in either one of these member functions, the compiler gives an error message. For example, adding the line: salary=salary+500; to the getsalary( ) function would cause the compiler to give the following error message: "l-value specifies const object". ENUMERATION DATA TYPE: enum The word enum stands for enumeration; this is another integral data type, like boolean. The data type enum can have more than two values, in contrast to bool which has only two values, false and true (0 and 1). For example, a weekday enum data type can have five values: mon, tue, wed, thur, and fri. Similarly, a weekend enum type can have two values: sat and sun. By using the enumerated word instead of an integer constant, the program becomes more readable. By setting an enumerator to a value, the rest of the enumerators will increase by 1. You can engage the enumerator in an equality test, assignment, or use it as a loop control variable. By default the enumerator value starts at zero. enum wdays {mon=1, tue, wed, thur, fri, sat, sun}; wdays weekdays, weekend; enum colors {red, green, blue}; Caution: the names used in enumeration must be C++ legal names and not a literal or number, although the names can hold these values. enum monthofyear {Jan=1,Feb,Mar, Apr, May, Jun, July, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec}; monthofyear month; ENUMERATION EXAMPLE: NUMBER OF DAYS PASSED SO FAR IN YEAR The following program computes the number of days passed in the year by providing the month and the day. The program uses two enumeration data types: one to determine the name of the month and one to find the number of days in each month. Two functions return enumeration types. Note that the starting value of the enumeration list is 0 and it is incremented by 1 each time. However, another initialization can be specified and the increment remains at one. Also note that enumeration values are constant and cannot be changed so they cannot be incremented and therefore cannot be used in a loop to go through a range. For example, you cannot use the enumerated type month++. However, some implementations, such as Borland Turbo C++ will run the above with warning. One solution for the loop is to cast the increment to its enumerated type. month=monthofyear(month+1); //or month= (monthofyear) month+1; Despite the limited capabilities of enumeration as a defined type, use of enumeration contributes to program readability; but some have reservations that it makes the program larger with redundant effort. For your own exercise, try to expand this program to consider the leap years and include a function that takes an enumeration type as a parameter. #include<iostream> using namespace std; enum months {Jan=1, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, ERROR=0}; enum daysinmonth {daysinJan=31, daysinFeb=28, daysinMar=31, daysinApr=30, daysinMay=31, daysinJun=30, daysinJul=31, daysinAug=31, daysinSep=30, daysinOct=31, daysinNov=30, daysinDec=31, DAYSERROR=0}; months getmonth(int monthnumber){ switch(monthnumber){ case 1: return Jan; case 2: return Feb; case 3: return Mar; case 4: return Apr; case 5: return May; case 6: return Jun; case 7: return Jul; case 8: return Aug; case 9: return Sep; case 10: return Oct; case 11: return Nov; case 12: return Dec; default: return ERROR;}//SWITCH }//GETMONTH daysinmonth getdays(int monthofyear){ switch(monthofyear){ case 1: return daysinJan; case 2: return daysinFeb; case 3: return daysinMar; case 4: return daysinApr; case 5: return daysinMay; case 6: return daysinJun; case 7: return daysinJul; case 8: return daysinAug; case 9: return daysinSep; case 10: return daysinOct; case 11: return daysinNov; case 12: return daysinDec; default: return DAYSERROR; }//SWITCH }//GETDAYS int main(){ months calendar; //enum TYPE daysinmonth daysofcurrentmonth; //enum TYPE int monthofyear, dayofmonth, dayspast=0; cout<<"ENTER AN INTEGER FOR THE MONTH: "; cin>>monthofyear; cout<<"ENTER AN INTEGER FOR THE DAY: "; cin>>dayofmonth; calendar=getmonth(monthofyear); daysofcurrentmonth=getdays(monthofyear); do{ switch(calendar){ case Jan: case Mar: case May: case Jul: case Aug: case Oct: case Dec: dayspast+=31; break; case Feb: dayspast+=28; break; case Apr: case Jun: case Sep: case Nov: dayspast+=30;break; }//SWITCH monthofyear--; calendar=getmonth(monthofyear); }while(calendar>=Jan); dayspast=dayspast-daysofcurrentmonth+dayofmonth; cout<<"NUMBER OF DAYS PAST IN YEAR SO FAR: "<<dayspast; return 0; } //MAINFigure 20.9a - Example of enumeration ENTER AN INTEGER FOR THE MONTH: 4 ENTER AN INTEGER FOR THE DAY: 16 NUMBER OF DAYS PAST IN YEAR SO FAR: 106Figure 20.9b - Output of Figure 20.a PROGRAM NAMING CONVENTIONS AND STYLES: IDENTIFIERS The names that are used in a program such as keywords and user-defined words are known as identifiers. C/C++ is case sensitive, which means that a lower case name is not the same as an upper case name. C/C++ is designed in favor of lower case letters with the representation of keywords and libraries in lower case letters. Besides the reserved words, it is up to you to choose any combination of styles or any convention that you like. But be consistent and not misleading by choosing improper names. Try to choose names that are related to their purpose and do not choose names that can be easily confused with each other. Try to use short names for indices. The following illustrates some naming conventions that you can use in your program. For example, the beginning of a word is capitalized, as in Counter or HourlyRate. The beginning of a first word may be lower case but the beginning of the following word is upper case as in hourlyRate. Underscores may be used between words, as in hourly_rate. Many programmers personalize words by adding the prefix my to words such as in mystack and mysalary. For example, the word delete is a reserved word and cannot be used, so you may want to use mydelete instead. To distinguish a class name from its object name, the prefix the is added before the class name in the object name. For example, with a class named stack, the object name thestack is used. For an array’s index or a loop control variable, a single letter such as i, j, k, m, or n is used. Historically, (in Fortran) these names represented integer values by default (I through N). As a result of some of the language naming restrictions, programmers adjust their programs accordingly; for example, by spelling count as kount. Interestingly, the language Basic started with one letter identifiers or one letter with one digit identifiers. Many languages limit identifiers to 4 to 6 characters, which caused a lot of problems because some compilers ignored additional characters and that also caused a new problem. Now character limit does not play a role, in fact C/C++ can have identifiers 31 characters long. Do you have an opinion? The assembly language uses mnemonic symbols such as ST for store. Blank spaces are not permitted in identifiers. Do you think it would be better to have blanks within an identifier? What would be the pros and cons of having identifiers with embedded blank spaces? Try to not use the letter l (el) as a name since it looks like numeric 1. PROGRAMMING CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS BOOK I tried the following conventions with my novice programmers and I found better results compared to other conventions. However, you may build a convention that is even better than this. I taught programmers to stick with the convention in the beginning unless they have a reason not to. In programs I mainly use lower case letters, without even using an underscore to separate words, to avoid confusion. I left out comments on purpose so the learner can focus on the code and get to know it and not loose track, rather than hiding the code inside comments. The end of each block whether an if, loop, function, or main is commented with the word itself in capital letters (e.g. //MAIN). Display messages are in upper case (e.g. cout<<"HELLO"). In this book I stayed away from lengthy programs, and tried to fit them onto two or a maximum of three pages. I believe it is hard for learners to follow a large program when having to page back and forth. NAMESPACE C++ is a growing language and the latest extension of the Standard Template Library (STL) makes C++ larger than ever. In a program, it is possible that you are using names for classes, variables, or functions that are the same. To solve the problem of name clashes, a new extension to the language known as the namespace feature, was created. C++ has placed almost all the standard library names under a namespace called std and allows others to create their own namespaces. You can create your own namespaces as well or use names from other namespaces. For beginner programmers, the concept of namespace is troublesome and the reason behind it is not understood. It is one of those "wait until later" subjects. For example, in one library, the identifier find means one thing and in another library it may mean something else. A namespace is an additional feature that was added to C++ that is used to create a scope (space) for names. By having a namespace, an identifier has its own boundary. Therefore, the same name can be used in two different namespaces without any problem or confusion for the compiler or the programmer. In fact, those who worked with older compilers and are now working with new compilers realize two major changes right away; a header directive without .h, and the statement: using namespace std; The above statement tells your program that you are using the standard namespace where most routines come from and makes std the default namespace of your program. An alternative to this statement is to mention the namespace for only names that are used in the program such as: std::cin; std::cout; std::endl; Some beginner programmers feel that including namespace in a program is a redundant action and the benefits of namespaces will not be realized until later. They prefer to use the old style headers without using namespaces. Let us put it this way, the use of namespace becomes necessary especially when you are using STL and strings. Note that building a string from the library <string.h> is different than building a string from the library <string > class. MAKING YOUR OWN namespace Creating a namespace is similar to making a class, however, several classes and functions can become members of a namespace. The general form of a namespace is shown below. Caution: do not place a semicolon after the closing brace of the namespace block; it is not needed as in a class. namespace mynames { //class //template //function //variable declaration }//NAMESPACEBy adding a directive, all those names in the namespace are available for use. Every statement that uses a namespace component must specify the namespace such as: mynamespace::vector; Note that the name vector is used both in STL and the above namespace but there is no name collision. Additionally, namespaces can be nested so that we can create packages or similar namespaces. The following program creates two namespaces called oldproject and newproject. Note that the two namespaces are able to use the same name for values and functions. namespace oldproject { class payroll { double basesalary; public: payroll (){basesalary=100000.00;} findsalary(){return basesalary; }; }; //CLASS PAYROLL }//NAMESPACE namespace newproject { class payroll { double basesalary; public: payroll (){basesalary=100000.00;} findsalary(){return basesalary; }; }; //CLASS PAYROLL }//NAMESPACE #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ oldproject::payroll ebrahimi; newproject::payroll johndoe; if (ebrahimi.findsalary()== johndoe.findsalary() ) cout<<"SAME SALARY"<<endl; return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.10a - Program demonstrating how to create and use namespaces SAME SALARYFigure 20.10b - Output of Figure 20.10a Alternatively, the main program can use one of the namespaces without specifying the prefix each time: main(){ using namespace newproject; if (findsalary()==oldproject::findsalary()) cout<<”NO PROMOTION HAS HAPPENED ” }//MAINtypedef The keyword typedef stands for type definition and is used to create a synonym (alias) for an existing type. In fact, typedef is more like giving a nickname (shorthand) to a long and complicated type such as a type containing pointers, structures, and classes. After creating the type, you can use the synonym name given. The general form of typedef is to use the keyword typedef followed by the existing type and newname, where the existing type is a C/C++ defined type and newname is a given nickname. typedef existingtype newname; The following illustrates using the typedef keyword by adding a new name ULI for an existing type. The use of typedef enhances program readability. typedef unsigned long int ULI ULI x; A side note: the use of typedef was more common in C, especially when defining a struct with a tag name. The use of classes in C++ made typedef less popular. The following shows how typedef is used to simplify a self-referential structure double linked list (dynamic). typedef struct nodetag *dlistptr; typedef struct nodetag { char info[20]; dlistptr next; dlistptr prvious; } dlistnode; Without the use of typedef the double linked list would be represented accordingly. struct nodetag { char info[20]; struct nodetag *next; struct nodetag *previous; }; struct nodetag *dlistnode; In a C-style struct, the tag name is used to declare a variable. In C++, the use of struct tag names is obsolete. One last note: with the keyword typedef, do not confuse its syntax and semantics with the directive #define. PREPROCESSOR DIRECTIVES A preprocessor is part of a C/C++ program that processes before the compiler takes charge, as the name preprocessor suggests. There are approximately ten directives of which the #include and #define are the most popular. Other directives such as #ifndef, #else, and #undef are mainly used to compile a program in some conditional way. However, with the preprocessor, there are some tokens (names) that hold some information such as _DATE, _TIME for date and time of compilation respectively. #define AS LITERAL (CONSTANT) SUBSTITUTION The #define directive is a macro with the following general form: #define macroname substitution #define is used to substitute a name with its character sequence. Many constant values are given a name with #define. For example, #define PI 3.14159 means that in a problem, whenever PI is encountered, PI will be substituted with the value of 3.14159. Before the keyword const was introduced in C/C++, #define was used instead. In fact, many symbolic names such as EOF and NULL are defined by #define. #define EOF -1 #define NULL ‘\0’ There is no need to end the #define with a semicolon (;), the #define directive will end when a new line (enter key) is pressed. When there is a need for continuation on the line, a backslash (\) is used. #define CHORUS "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, How I\ Wonder What You Are." #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout<<"SING "<<CHORUS<<endl; cout<<CHORUS<<endl; return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.11a - Program using the #define directive SING Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder What You Are. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder What You AreFigure 20.11b - Output of Figure 20.11a MACRO AS A FUNCTION With the use of #define, you will be able to define macros which are like functions, but it is done by substitutions rather than function calls. One advantage of a macro over a function is that you do not have the function overhead, such as pushing the variable onto a stack or keeping track of addresses (return address). For a small number of tasks, a macro is recommended. In assembly language, macros play a larger role. Macros are used in C; but, due to the purpose of type checking, macros are not recommended for use in C++. For example, in the following program, a macro determines the maximum of two numbers using the directive #define. As an exercise, write a macro called SQUARE (x) to compute the square of x; then write a function to do the same. The extra parentheses are used to guarantee no mix up in substitution. #define FINDMAX(x, y) ( ( x > y ) ? x : y ) #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int x = 5; int y = 8; cout << "THE MAXIMUM IS " << FINDMAX (x, y) <<endl; return 0; }//mainFigure 20.12a - Program demonstrating the use of a macro THE MAXIMUM IS 8Figure 20.12b - Output of Figure 20.12a CONDITIONAL DIRECTIVE A conditional directive is used to prevent multiple copies and processing of the same header file. The general form for a conditional directive is shown below. #ifndef MYFILE_H #define MYFILE_H #endif The above code tests if myfile.h is defined (included) previously; if not, it will be included. In other words, when #ifndef is true, the code after it is included and processed; otherwise, the code between #ifndef and #endif is ignored. #include <ctime> TIME AND DATE The header <ctime> contains functions and types that are used to manipulate and determine the time and date. Time and date are important topics that should be integrated into every large program to keep track of events such as scheduling, appointments, time driven reports, time duration, execution time, analysis, and simulation. In fact, many computer viruses are time driven; therefore knowledge of time will help you understand how these viruses function and to some extent how to try to combat them. In header <time.h> there are three different ways time is stored, each with a different purpose and format, as described below: time_t: a calendar time including time and date. struct tm t: a time and date is a structure which is broken into several members such as tm_sec, tm_min, tm_hour, tm_year, etc.. clock_t: a time value used for elapsed time (duration) which is measured in clock ticks. The function clock_t clock( ) returns the time since execution. In order to get the time in seconds you must use clock( ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC. time_t and clock_t: are arithmetic types while struct tm holds each component of time and date known as calendar time. We are going to divide the time functions into two divisions of time manipulation and time conversions. As an example, the function time(NULL) is used in the function srand(time(NULL)) to seed a random number generator so that whenever the function rand( ) runs, the same series of numbers is not generated. struct tm TIME COMPONENTS The members of struct tm hold components of time and calendar date, each of which are of type integer. The time members are: tm_sec includes seconds (0, 61?), tm_min includes minutes (0, 59), and tm_hour includes hours (0, 23). The date members are: tm_mday includes the month’s day (1, 31), tm_mon includes months (0, 11), and tm_year includes years (since 1900). Other day components are: tm_wday includes days since Sunday (0, 6) and tm_yday includes days since January 1 (0, 365). In addition, tm_isdst includes a Daylight Saving Time flag component (0 no effect, >0 in effect, -1 not applied). TIME IT TAKES TO RESPOND The following program computes the amount of time from when the user is prompted to enter the name until the name is entered. The two variables begin and end are declared as type time_t and their addresses are passed to the function time(&varname) so that the number of computed seconds is stored and brought back. Note that time( ) can be used to compute elapsed time for algorithm analysis. As an exercise, extend this program to limit the response time such as waiting for only 10 seconds. #include<iostream> #include<ctime> using namespace std; int main(){ char name[20]; time_t begin, end; time(&begin); cout<<"NUMBER OF SECONDS ELAPSED SINCE JAN 1, 1970! "<<begin<<endl; cout<<"HELLO, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? "<<endl; cin>>name; time(&end); cout<<end<<endl; cout<<"TIME ELAPSED FOR "<<name<<"'S RESPONSE: "<<end-begin<<” SECONDS”<<endl; return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.13a - Program showing uses for time.h NUMBER OF SECONDS ELAPSED SINCE JAN 1, 1970! 1024338710 HELLO, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? Ebrahimi 1024338719Figure 20.13b - Output of Figure 20.13a STRING TIME VERSUS STRUCTURE TIME The function time( ) brings the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight January 1, 1970 (Unix Epoch Milestone). Conversion functions are used to format the time differently. For example, the function ctime(&varname) will return a string representing the full date and time. Similarly, the function localtime(&varname) returns a structure of type tm where each member holds the appropriate time and date information such as tm_sec, tm_min, tm_hour, tm_year, etc.. ). Additionally, the function asctime(structime) converts the structure time to the same form as ctime( ). Note that tm_year gives the number of years since 1900 (starting calendar time, January 1 is Sunday). The year 1900 is added to get the current year. #include<iostream> #include<ctime> using namespace std; int main(){ time_t timenow; time(&timenow); cout<<ctime(&timenow)<<endl;//CONVERT TIME struct tm *timestruct; timestruct=localtime(&timenow); cout<<timestruct->tm_wday<<" "<<timestruct->tm_mon<<" "<<timestruct->tm_mday<<" "; cout<<timestruct->tm_hour<<":"<<timestruct->tm_min<<":"<<timestruct->tm_sec<<" "; cout<<timestruct->tm_year+1900<<endl<<endl; cout<<asctime(timestruct); return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.14a - Program using time( ), ctime( ), localtime( ), and asctime( ) Mon Jun 17 17:55:56 2002 1 5 17 17:55:56 2002 Mon Jun 17 17:55:56 2002Figure 20.14b - Output of Figure 20.14a VARIABLE STORAGE SPECIFIER: auto, static, register, and extern A storage class specifies where a variable (object) should be stored and determines its visibility and its duration. There are four major storage specifiers that are used for storage class: auto, extern, static, and register. Do not confuse the word storage class (categorization) with the object-oriented class. An auto (automatic) variable is a local variable in a program (or function) that comes into existence when the program is executed or when a function is called, and ceases to exist when the program is finished or the function is returned. An auto variable does not retain its value as it comes into existence once again. Automatically, a variable is of type auto storage upon its declaration. However, you can explicitly define a variable an auto by prefixing the declaration with the keyword auto as shown here: auto int x; #include <iostream> using namespace std; void testauto( ); //PROTOTYPE int main(){ auto int x=5; cout<<x<<endl; testauto(); return 0; }//MAIN void testauto(){ int y=6; y++; cout<<y<<endl; }//TESTAUTOFigure 20.15a - Program to test the keyword auto 5 7Figure 20.15b - Output of Figure 20.15a An external variable is a variable that is defined outside of a main program (or any function). Other functions can access an external variable by prefixing the keyword extern in a variable declaration. External variables are globally accessible, and hence, can be used instead of parameter passing and return values when communicating with functions. I have found that beginner programmers prefer to use external variables to make the program work and then convert the program to use parameters. Note that external variables have their own side effects. #include <iostream> using namespace std; void testextern( ); //PROTOTYPE int x=5; //x IS EXTERNAL int main(){ cout<<x<<endl; testextern(); return 0; }//MAIN void testextern(){ extern int x; //OPTIONAL x++; cout<<x<<endl; }//TESTEXTERNFigure 20.16a - Program using an external variable 5 6Figure 20.16b - Output of Figure 20.16a Let me conclude this topic by stating that, we often talk about variable declaration but forget to mention the place (memory) where the variable is created or assigned storage. Declaration and definition of a variable are different, in declaration no storage is allocated. A static variable is a kind of variable that retains its value upon the existence of the variable. Therefore, static local variables, in contrast to auto variables, retain their values from one function call to another. One should not confuse a static variable with a static member variable of a class, and the concept of static memory allocation versus dynamic allocation. A static variable can act as a limited external variable by defining it outside the functions (visible to several functions) or it can act as an extended local variable by defining it inside the function (retaining its value). #include <iostream> using namespace std; void teststatic( ); //PROTOTYPE int main(){ static int x=5; cout<<x<<endl; teststatic(); return 0; }//MAIN void teststatic(){ static int y=6; y++; cout<<y<<endl; }//TESTSTATICFigure 20.17a - Program using a static variable 5 7Figure 20.17b - Output of Figure 20.17a register VARIABLES: A variable can be declared as a register by prefixing the keyword register to its usual declaration. A register variable uses the computer’s register instead of regular memory. It is a good idea to declare the most frequent variables as register. The usage of a register’s variable makes the program faster and smaller, since a register resides within the CPU, but it is up to a compiler to grant the request. #include <iostream> using namespace std; void testregister( ); //PROTOTYPE int main(){ register int x=5; cout<<x<<endl; testregister(); return 0; }//MAIN void testregister(){ register int y=6; y++; cout<<y<<endl; }//TESTREGISTERFigure 20.18a - Program using a register variable 5 7Figure 20.18b - Output of Figure 20.18a mutable DATA MEMBERS VERSUS const The keyword mutable allows a const member function to modify a data member. For example, by declaring a data member mutable, a const member function can change that member data. Note that a constant member function cannot change the invoking object data member. An alternative to mutable would be to cast away the const by using const_cast < >. class muty { mutable int m; public: update (int x) const { m= x+1; }//UPDATE getm( )const {return m;}//GETX }; //CLASS MUTY #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ muty objm; objm.update(5); cout<<objm.getm()<<endl; return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.19a - Program demonstrating use of a mutable data menber 6Figure 20.19b - Output of Figure 20.19a CLASS HIERARCHICAL RELATIONSHIP: Has-A VERSUS Is-A A relationship between two classes can be categorized as a Has-A or Is-A Relationship. A relationship is categorized as Has-A when a class contains (composes) one or more classes. Has-A relationship is known as composition or nested class (structure). An example to explain the Has-A relationship is if there are two classes, and one is tree and one is leaf; in this case the tree has a leaf. To describe the Is-A relationship, an apple tree is a tree (apple tree class is derived from tree class). There are other kinds of relationships such as Uses-A and others that we are not concerned with at the moment. In this program, the class date is composed in the class employee (Has-A). For simplicity, the data members of the date class are public so the main program can access them easily. As an exercise, modify the program to include constructors and set the data members to private; you can also create a separate file and an include directive. Note that hiringdate is an object of the class date. #include<iostream> using namespace std; class date{ public: int year; int month; int day; };//DATE class employee { private: double salary; public: date hiringdate; double getsalary(){return salary;} void setsalary(double amount){salary=amount;}};//EMPLOYEE int main(){ employee ebr; ebr.hiringdate.year=1983; ebr.hiringdate.month=1;; ebr.setsalary(99999.99); cout<<"SALARY: "<<ebr.getsalary()<<endl; cout<<"HIRING DATE: "<<ebr.hiringdate.month<<"/"<<; cout<<"/"<<ebr.hiringdate.year<<endl; return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.20a - Program illustrating the Has-A relationship SALARY: 100000 HIRING DATE: 1/23/1983Figure 20.20b - Output of Figure 20.20a IS-A RELATIONSHIP: PROGRAM IS-A relationship is when a class is derived from another class. The following program demonstrates an Is-A relationship between two classes; person is the base class that consists of general information and the class employee is a derived class (specialized) that inherits from the person class. As an exercise, modify the program to change the data members to protected, and possibly to explore multiple inheritance instead of single inheritance. An example of multiple inheritance is if a student employee is derived from the class student and the class employee. #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; class person{ public: string firstname; string lastname;};//PERSON class date{ public: int year; int month; int day; };//DATE class employee: public person{ private: double salary; public: date hiringdate; double getsalary(){return salary;} void setsalary(double amount){salary=amount;}};//EMPLOYEE int main(){ employee ebr; ebr.firstname="Alireza"; ebr.lastname="Ebrahimi"; ebr.hiringdate.year=1983; ebr.hiringdate.month=1;; ebr.setsalary(99999.99); cout<<ebr.firstname<<" "<<ebr.lastname<<endl; cout<<"SALARY: "<<ebr.getsalary()<<endl; cout<<"HIRING DATE: "<<ebr.hiringdate.month<<"/"<<; cout<<"/"<<ebr.hiringdate.year<<endl; return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.21a - Program illustrating the Is-A relationship Alireza Ebrahimi SALARY: 100000 HIRING DATE: 1/23/1983Figure 20.21b - Output of Figure 20.21a FRIEND FUNCTION A friend function can access the member functions of a class without being a member of the class. Access to a class member is granted to a friend function as if it were a member function. You may wonder why we need a friend. One option to not having friend functions is to make the members public so that a function can access them, but making the data members public omits the idea of information hiding (abstraction). Note that the goal of OO is to separate the implementation from the interface as much as possible. If you have too many friend functions that are accessing your class’s private members, you may want to redesign your class. The use of the keyword friend in the function prototype before the function name makes the function a friend of the class, and there is no need to mention the keyword in the function definition. A FRIEND FUNCTION: PROGRAM The following program illustrates the use of a friend function addbonus( ) in the class employee. The function addbonus( ) is not a member of the employee class, but has the same access rights as a member. #include<iostream> using namespace std; class employee{ friend void addbonus(employee &, double); public: employee(double amt){salary=amt;} double getsalary() const{return salary;} private: double salary; }; //EMPLOYEE void addbonus(employee &emp, double bonus){ emp.salary =emp.salary + bonus;} int main(){ employee ebrahimi(99999.00); cout<<"ORIGINAL SALARY: "<<ebrahimi.getsalary()<<endl; addbonus(ebrahimi,1000.00) ; cout<<"NEW SALARY: "<<ebrahimi.getsalary()<<endl; return 0; }//MAIN ORIGINAL SALARY: 99999 NEW SALARY: 100999Figure 20.22b - Output of Figure 20.22a FRIEND FUNCTION: USED FOR OVERLOADING OPERATORS One usage of a friend function is to use it with the overloading insertion (<<) operator. An operator overloading function must be a friend function since the object is passed to the function instead of being an invoking object. The way that operator overloading works is that the function carries two parameters, one is a reference to the stream and one is a reference to the object. This allows you to customize a print function. For example, all the members of an object can be printed at once instead of one by one. #include<iostream> #include<string.h> using namespace std; class person{ public: char firstname[20]; char lastname[20];};//PERSON class date{ public: int year; int month; int day; };//DATE class employee: public person{ private: double salary; public: date hiringdate; double getsalary(){return salary;} void setsalary(double amount){salary=amount;} friend ostream &operator<<( ostream & output, const employee &emp); };//EMPLOYEE ostream &operator<<( ostream & output, const employee &emp){ output<<emp.firstname<<" "<<emp.lastname<<endl; output<<"SALARY: "<<emp.salary<<endl; output<<"HIRING DATE: "<<emp.hiringdate.month; output<<"/"<<; output<<"/"<<emp.hiringdate.year<<endl; return output; }//<< int main(){ employee ebr; strcpy(ebr.firstname,"Alireza"); strcpy(ebr.lastname,"Ebrahimi"); ebr.hiringdate.year=1983; ebr.hiringdate.month=1;; ebr.setsalary(99999.99); cout<<ebr; return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.23a - Program with a friend function to overload the << operator Alireza Ebrahimi SALARY: 100000 HIRING DATE: 1/23/1983Figure 20.23b – Output of Figure 20.23a ARRAY OF OBJECTS An array of objects works the same way as an array of simple variables such as an array of integers or an array of characters. The difference is that the type is a user-defined (class). The general form of an array of objects and its usages are shown below. person employee[100]; //array of hundred objects of type person employee[0]; and Employee[5]; //refer to the first and sixth objects of the array employee[2].salary; //refers to the salary of the 3rd employee, assuming salary is public employee[i].display(); //displays the ith employee information The following program demonstrates the use of an array of objects in a payroll program with an array of five employee objects. Each employee object has its own hoursworked, hourlyrate, salary, and employeename as well as the functions: setname( ), getname( ), sethoursworked( ), computesalary( ), and getsalary( ). The constructor will set the hourlyrate to 20.00 if it is not provided. #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; class employee{ private: int hoursworked; double hourlyrate; double salary; public: string employeename; employee(){hourlyrate=20.00;} void setname(string); string getname(); void sethoursworked(double); void computesalary(); double getsalary(); };//EMPLOYEE void employee::sethoursworked(double hours){ hoursworked=hours;} void employee::computesalary(){ salary=hourlyrate*hoursworked;} double employee::getsalary(){ return salary;} int main(){ employee emp[5]; int hours, i; for(i=0; i<5; i++){ cout<<"ENTER NAME: "; cin>>emp[i].employeename; cout<<"ENTER HOURS WORKED: "; cin>>hours; emp[i].sethoursworked(hours); emp[i].computesalary(); }//FOR for(i=0; i<5; i++){ cout<<emp[i].employeename; cout<<": "<<emp[i].getsalary()<<endl; }//FOR return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.24a - Program with an array of employee objects ENTER NAME: Ebrahimi ENTER HOURS WORKED: 55 ENTER NAME: Husain ENTER HOURS WORKED: 44 ENTER NAME: Zainab ENTER HOURS WORKED: 42 ENTER NAME: Zahra ENTER HOURS WORKED: 38 ENTER NAME: Mehdi ENTER HOURS WORKED: 40 Ebrahimi: 1100 Husain: 880 Zainab: 840 Zahra: 760 Mehdi: 800Figure 20.24b - Output of Figure 20.24a POINTER TO OBJECT VERSUS this POINTER Like pointers to simple data types, a pointer to an object works in the same way as pointers to simple data types. We can use a pointer to a class object in the same way as a pointer to an integer or to a character. But, do not confuse a pointer to an object that is explained here with the this pointer that refers to a specific calling or returning object. Each object contains a const pointer to itself known as this pointer. Each member function carries this pointer implicitly when it is invoked. In other words, when a member function is called, there should be a way for this function to refer to other members of the object. This is done implicitly without involving this pointer because it is understood, but it could be done explicitly as this->x where x is the member data. The pointer this is used explicitly in situations where member functions need to return the address of the current object, or when a member function has several parameters of the same class type (other objects). Note that static member functions do not carry implicitly this pointer, hence, you need to use it explicitly to access the static members. POINTER TO OBJECT OF CLASS The following program builds a list of employees using a single linked list with two classes, each with a pointer to a class. For example, the node class has a pointer pointing to itself, and the employeelist class has a pointer to a node. For simplicity, we are building a new node and inserting it at the front of the list, readjusting the list upon completion, and then the entire list is displayed. This program can be expanded to convert the payroll program to use a linked list instead of a static array to save memory. As employees are added, they are inserted to the list, and as they leave, they are deleted dynamically. As an exercise, expand the program to include other functions such as remove( ) and computesalary( ). #include<iostream> using namespace std; class node{ public: double salary; node *next;};//NODE class employeelist{ private: node *firstnode; public: employeelist(){ firstnode=NULL;} void additem(double); void display(); }; //EMPLOYEELIST void employeelist::additem(double amount){ node *p=new node; p->salary=amount; p->next=firstnode; firstnode=p; }//ADDITEM void employeelist::display(){ node *p; p=firstnode; while(p!=NULL){ cout<<p->salary<<endl; p=p->next;}//WHILE }//DISPLAY int main(){ employeelist emplist; double empsalary; for(int i=0; i<3; i++){ cout<<"ENTER EMPLOYEE SALARY: "; cin>>empsalary; emplist.additem(empsalary);}//FOR emplist.display(); return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.25a - Program using pointers to objects of a class ENTER EMPLOYEE SALARY: 90000 ENTER EMPLOYEE SALARY: 29000 ENTER EMPLOYEE SALARY: 55000 55000 29000 90000Figure 20.25b - Output of Figure 20.25a this POINTER PROGRAM: WORKING WITH TWO OBJECTS A common usage of this pointer is when values are returned from member functions and overloaded operators such as = and = =. The following program finds the highest paid employee. The program defines an array of employees (class), and at this time we are only dealing with id and salary. The function findhighemp( ) will compare the invoking object with the object that holds the highest salary. The function returns this pointer if the invoking object is higher, otherwise it returns the object that holds the higher salary. At the end of the loop the highest paid employee is found and the function displayemp( ) displays the information. As an exercise, sort the objects according to the salary paid and display the information of each employee. #include<iostream> using namespace std; class employee{ public: long int id; double salary; const employee & findhighemp(const employee & emp) const; void displayemp( )const ; }; const employee& employee:: findhighemp(const employee &highemp)const { if (salary>highemp.salary) return *this; else return highemp; }//FINDHIGHEMP void employee::displayemp( ) const { cout<<"EMPLOYEE ID IS:"<<id<<endl; cout<<"EMPLOYEE SALARY IS "<<salary<<endl; }//DISPLAYEMP void main(){ employee emp[3]; int i; for(i=0;i<3;i++){ cout<<"ENTER ID: "; cin>>emp[i].id; cout<<"ENTER SALARY: "; cin>>emp[i].salary;}//FOR employee highemp; highemp=emp[0]; for(i=1;i<3;i++) highemp=emp[i].findhighemp(highemp); //HIGHEST PAY cout<<"HIGHEST PAY EMPLOYEE:"<<endl; highemp.displayemp( ); return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.26a - Program using this pointer ENTER ID: 1111 ENTER SALARY: 50000 ENTER ID: 1122 ENTER SALARY: 89000 ENTER ID: 1233 ENTER SALARY: 37000 HIGHEST PAY EMPLOYEE: EMPLOYEE ID IS:1122 EMPLOYEE SALARY IS 89000Figure 20.26b - Output of Figure 20.26a ARRAY, A POINTER TO ARRAY, AND AN ARRAY OF POINTERS An array is used to store a series (contiguous) of the same (homogeneous) data type under a common name. Retrieval and storage of data is done randomly through the index (subscript). You may have seen a variety of arrays. Arrays and pointers are closely related to each other, and any operations done using array subscripts can be done using pointers. C/C++ is somewhat pointer oriented and is proud of this despite criticism from newer languages such as Java and C# that try to distance themselves from pointers, mainly due to the consequences of careless usage. After assembly language lost its popularity, C/C++ became the most popular language to manipulate pointers and memory. How would you allocate 500 contiguous memory locations? The 500 memory locations can be allocated entirely by the compiler, during run time, or one by one. The following illustrates how to allocate 500 locations in different ways. The most common array is an array of a data type such as integers or any other data type including user data types (class). Storage of this data type is assigned during compilation time. For example, int months[12] is an array of 12 integers and employee emp[500] is an array of 500 employees. Note that the array name is the address of the first element of the array, emp is the same as &emp[0] and, similarly, emp[i] is the same as *(emp+i). POINTER TO AN ARRAY: ALLOCATE ARRAY DYNAMICALLY Storage is allocated dynamically (during run time) and a pointer is assigned to the first address of the array. An array can be accessed through indirection or through an index. For example, int * p=new int [500]; is a pointer to an array and will allocate an array of 500 integers. The difference between the former allocation and int p[500]; is that in the former the memory is allocated dynamically and with int p[500]; the memory is allocated statically. There are advantages and disadvantages to dynamic and static allocation, depending on the situation. Note that the storage for the pointer is allocated during compile time and the storage for the array is allocated during run time. AN ARRAY OF POINTERS: ALLOCATE THE MEMORY ONE BY ONE An array is designated for pointers of some known data type. Storage for pointers is done during compile time and storage for its actual data type is allocated during run time one by one. An example of an array of pointers is *p[500]; where there are 500 pointers and p[0]=new int; allocates memory. The memory is allocated as you need it and de-allocated when you are finished with it. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int employeeid[5]; double *hoursworked=new double[5]; double *hourlyrate[5]; double grosspay[5]; for(int i=0; i<5; i++){ cout<<"ENTER ID: "; cin>>employeeid[i]; cout<<"ENTER HOURS WORKED: "; cin>>hoursworked[i]; //*(hoursworked+i) cout<<"ENTER HOURLY RATE: "; hourlyrate[i]=new double; cin>>*hourlyrate[i]; grosspay[i]=hoursworked[i]*(*hourlyrate[i]); delete hourlyrate[i]; }//FOR delete [] hoursworked; for(int n=0; n<5; n++){ cout<<employeeid[n]<<" "<<grosspay[n]<<endl;}//FOR return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.27a - Program using an array of pointers #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int employeeid[5]; double *hoursworked=new double[5]; double *hourlyrate[5]; double grosspay[5]; for(int i=0; i<5; i++){ cout<<"ENTER ID: "; cin>>employeeid[i]; cout<<"ENTER HOURS WORKED: "; cin>>hoursworked[i]; //*(hoursworked+i) cout<<"ENTER HOURLY RATE: "; hourlyrate[i]=new double; cin>>*hourlyrate[i]; grosspay[i]=hoursworked[i]*(*hourlyrate[i]); delete hourlyrate[i]; }//FOR delete [] hoursworked; for(int n=0; n<5; n++){ cout<<employeeid[n]<<" "<<grosspay[n]<<endl;}//FOR return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.27b - Output of Figure 20.27a C AND C++ DIFFERENCES: DYNAMIC MEMORY ALLOCATION C language uses the malloc( ) function to allocate memory dynamically and the function free( )to de-allocate (free) memory. C++ uses the operator new to allocate memory and delete to de-allocate (delete) the allocated memory. The C malloc( ) function requires the number of bytes to be allocated as a parameter. In the case where the number of bytes cannot be figured out by the programmer, the sizeof operator is used to figure out the size of a given data type. The general form of malloc( ) is: void *malloc(sizeof(datatype)) The malloc( ) function returns the beginning address of the allocated memory, however, it is a pointer of the type void. The reason for that is so that it can be converted to the type of variable that the programmer requests. In addition, in earlier version of C you must cast the return value of malloc( ) before the assignment. The following examples demonstrate the use of malloc( ) in C and new in C++. int *myptr = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int); int *myptr = new int; You can see that C++ does some of the housekeeping for the user when using new. With the inclusion of exception handling, the new operator throws an exception when there is a problem in memory allocation (bad_alloc). This is a C program using the malloc( ), sizeof( ), and free( ) functions. #include <iostream> #include<cstdlib > using namespace std; int main(){ float *ptr; ptr = (float *)malloc(sizeof (float)); printf("HERE IS THE INPUT: "); scanf("%f",ptr); printf("HERE IS THE OUTPUT: "); printf("%f\n",*ptr); free(ptr); printf("%f ",*ptr);//MEMORY NOT AVAILABLE return 0;}//MAINFigure 20.28a - Program demonstrating malloc( ), sizeof( ), and free( ) HERE IS THE INPUT: 5.00 HERE IS THE OUTPUT: 5.000000 -1998397155538108400.000000Figure 20.28b - Output of Figure 20.28a The following C++ program uses the new and delete operators. #include<iostream> #include<cstdlib > using namespace std; int main(){ float *ptr; ptr = new float; cout<<"HERE IS THE INPUT: "; cin>>*ptr; cout<<"HERE IS THE OUTPUT: "; cout<<*ptr<<endl; delete ptr; cout<<*ptr<<endl;//MEMORY NOT AVAILABLE return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.29a - Program demonstrating new and delete HERE IS THE INPUT: 1.5 HERE IS THE OUTPUT: 1.5 -1.9984e+018Figure 20.29b - Output of Figure 20.29a C/C++ DIFFERENCES - FILE HANDLING In C, to access an external file, a file variable must be declared, the file has to be opened, and the file has to be accessed through an I/O routine and, finally, the file has to be closed. The form of declaring a C file pointer is: FILE *infile, *outfile; Note, the FILE type is written in capitals and is defined in stdio.h; infile and outfile are file pointers. To open a file, the function fopen( ) associates an external filename with an access mode and returns a pointer which is assigned to the file pointer. The program uses the file pointer to access the file. The C I/O routines to handle files have a prefix of the letter f, such as fprintf( ), fputs( ), fscanf( ), and fgets( ). Note that the place of a file pointer is the first argument in fscanf( ) while it is the last in fgets( ). Opening a file using fopen( ) is shown below: infile=fopen("", "r"); The following program opens a file and, if the file does not exist, it displays an error message. The content is written to the screen (stdout) as well as to an external file. To test the file copy, the copied file is opened in read mode and is displayed on the screen. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ FILE *infile, *outfile; int num; if((infile=fopen("", "r"))==NULL) fprintf(stderr, "CANNOT OPEN %s\n", ""); if((outfile=fopen("dat.out", "w"))==NULL) fprintf(stderr, "CANNOT OPEN %s\n", "dat.out"); while(fscanf(infile, "%d", &num)!=EOF){ fprintf(outfile, "%d\n", num); fprintf(stdout, "%d\n", num); }//WHILE fclose(infile);fclose(outfile); if((infile=fopen("dat.out", "r"))==NULL) fprintf(stderr, "CANNOT OPEN %s\n", "dat.out"); printf("\nDISPLAY THE COPIED FILE\n"); while(fscanf(infile, "%d", &num)!=EOF){ fprintf(stdout, "%d\n", num);}//WHILE fclose(infile); return 0;}//MAINFigure 20.30a - Program showing file handling in C 1 2 3 4 5 DISPLAY THE COPIED FILE 1 2 3 4 5Figure 20.30b - Output of Figure 20.30a STATIC DATA MEMBER A static data member is a variable that shares all instances (objects) of the class. In other words there is only one copy of the static data member for all of the objects. A static data member starts with the keyword static. One usage of a static data member is to count the number of processing objects. A restriction on a static member function is that it cannot access its members by this pointer. STATIC MEMBER FUNCTION A static member function does not have a this pointer and can only access the static member data. You can use a static member function without creating any object of its class. A static member function can work with a static member data to access and modify it. A static member function starts with the key word static. For example, a counter which is a static member data can be accessed by the static member function findcounter( ). The following program increments the counter as an object is created and decrements the counter as an object is deleted. class employee { public: employee () { counter++; } ~employee () {counter--;} static int findcounter () { return counter;}//FINDCOUNTER private: static int counter; }; // CLASS int employee::counter=0; #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ employee *emp1=new employee(); cout<<"COUNTER IS:"<<employee::findcounter()<<endl; employee *emp2=new employee(); cout<<"COUNTER IS:"<<employee::findcounter()<<endl; delete emp1; cout<<"COUNTER IS:"<<employee::findcounter()<<endl; return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.31a - Program with a static member function COUNTER IS:1 COUNTER IS:2 COUNTER IS:1Figure 20.31b - Output of Figure 20.31a 10 COMMANDS OF HTML:html, a, img, table, form, input, select, li, textarea, mailto HTML stands for Hyper-Text Markup Language and it consists of numerous tags that are used to format a web page. Although it is called a language, the fact is that it is a marking (tagging) of the text that has an effect when the file is viewed in a browser, where the impact of those tags is shown. An HTML file consists of several tags inserted into a text. The HTML tags are activated when viewed with the browser. The HTML tags are enclosed in < > (angled brackets) indicating the start of the tag; a tag preceded by a / (slash) indicates the end of the effect of the tag. Although there are more than a hundred HTML tags, I recommend that you learn the ten most important HTML tags that are needed to make a web page. The simplest way to create a web page is to start with <HTML> and type whatever you want on the page and end it here </HTML>. Make sure you save the file with the extension .html. Commands can be categorized as text (bold <B>, italics <I>, font <FONT SIZE=+2>), color (<BODY BGCOLOR = red >), anchor references to other pages (<A HREF="">) and self-referencing anchors that search on your page (<A NAME=List> <A HREF="#List">), images (<IMG SRC="ebrahimi.jpg"), form to get information from users (<FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="">), input <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="name" SIZE="15">, select (<SELECT> <OPTION>), table (<TABLE><TR><TD>), and list (<UL><LI>). While the colors are defined by their names such as green, blue, and pink, they are also represented by #FFFFFF, where FF represents red, green, and blue which ranges from 00, 01 … to FF, this way you can blend your own colors. There are many other useful HTML commands such as: mailto which is used to write an e-mail to a specified address, bgsound which is used to add sound to your page, and radio buttons and check boxes that are types of input that allow the user to select from several options. The following is an example of a simple web page using the basic HTML commands. <HTML> <TITLE>Dr. Ebrahimi's Webpage</TITLE> <BODY BGCOLOR="FF0055"> <FONT SIZE="+3">Welcome to Dr. Ebrahimi's Webpage</FONT><BR><BR> <CENTER><IMG SRC="ebrahimi.jpg"><BR><BR> <A HREF="">Click here</A><BR><BR> <A HREF="#List">Programming Languages</A><BR><BR> <TABLE BORDER=1> <TR> <TD>Apple</TD> <TD>Banana</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Lettuce</TD> <TD>Tomato</TD> </TR> </TABLE></CENTER><BR> What is your favorite fruit? <SELECT NAME="Fruit"> <OPTION>Apple <OPTION>Banana <OPTION>Cherry <OPTION>Watermelon </SELECT><BR> <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION=""> Name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="name" SIZE="15"><BR> E-mail: <TEXTAREA NAME="email" ROWS=5 COLS=35></TEXTAREA> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="send"></FORM> <A NAME=List></A> <LI>C++</LI> <LI>Java</LI> <LI>Perl</LI> <LI>JavaScript</LI> <LI>HTML</LI> </BODY> </HTML>Figure 20.32 - Simple web page created with HTML JAVASCRIPT JavaScript is a language that is embedded in HTML and is executed in a browser (Internet Explorer or Netscape). Almost every web page now utilizes JavaScript. While the name is JavaScript and people think it is related to Java, it is a distinct language by itself. Dealing with the Internet (Internet programming) is a common purpose of Java and JavaScript, and both are event-driven. The way JavaScript handles input (ex. an input value has to be parsed to its numerical value) is similar to Java. JavaScript can take advantage of HTML to make the page more presentable by using loops and if statements to manipulate many fonts, colors, etc. The syntax of JavaScript is very similar to that of C++ and JavaScript’s keywords are mostly from C/C++; out of 22 keywords, 17 are used in C++, 4 keywords are used in Pascal such as var, function, with, and in, and there are some other keywords such as null and typeof. The words write and writeln (write line) to display are also used in Pascal. JavaScript is an event-driven language that, upon certain events such as clicking the mouse or pressing a key, an action takes place. <HTML> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> document.write("Hello World"); </SCRIPT> </HTML>Figure 20.33a - JavaScript code to say Hello World Hello WorldFigure 20.33b - Output of Figure 20.33a The following program is a simple translator that translates english words into spanish using parallel arrays. The user enters a search key and the program performs a linear search for the english word in the english array; when the word is found, the corresponding spanish word is displayed. If the word is not found, an error message is displayed. <HTML><H1>Javascript search</H1> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript"> var english=["water","house","book","university","car","computer"]; var spanish=["aqua","casa","libro","universidad","caro","computador"]; var result = 0; var searchword = prompt("Enter english word to translate: "); for(i=0;i<english.length;i++){ if(english[i]==searchword){ document.writeln("Spanish word: "+spanish[i]); result = 1; }//IF }// FOR if(result==0) document.writeln("Sorry, NO MATCH for: " + searchword); </SCRIPT> </HTML>Figure 20.34a - JavaScript translator program Scipt Prompt: Enter elgish word to translate: water Spanish word: aqua Figure 20.34b - Output of JavaScript program WHAT IS CGI (COMMON GATEWAY INTERFACE) CGI stands for Common Gateway Interface and is a simple protocol (standard) to establish a communication (interaction) between your Web page (located anywhere) via a browser and your program that resides on a Web server. The CGI program (e.g. C++, orPerl) processes data submitted by a form and performs requested tasks such as searching. After submitting a form, the browser uses HTTP to make a request for the URL of a CGI program. The Web server receives the request and executes the CGI program with the data that is passed. The output of the CGI program is usually in the form of a web page which is sent back through the Web server to the requesting browser. An example of CGI usage is a database program that runs on the Internet and lets individuals manipulate the database through the web. Note that a CGI program is executable and resides in a special directory under the direct control of a Webmaster, commonly known as /cgi-bin, so that the Web server is directed to execute the CGI program rather than just display it to the browser. WRITING A CGI IN C++ ACGI takes information from forms on a Web page, processes it, and sends a page back to the user. A CGI program written in C++ is nothing more than just another C++ program that accepts a string as its input and breaks down the input string into tokens (words) and identifies and processes the input based on the requested task. CGI is language independent and the languages Perl and Python or even a script language such as Unix shell can be used to write a CGI program. One caution, do not try to use Java to write a CGI; instead, use Java Servlets. The language Perl, because of its sophisticated pattern matching (regular expressions), has been the language of choice for writing CGI programs. However, you can stick to C/C++ and write a CGI, rather than using other languages. In summary, in order to write a simple CGI program in C++, use the input routines of C++ cin or getline( ) to take the data as if it were on a standard input (stdin) with the understanding of how the inputs are separated from each other (e.g. by & or by ; ). After that, a CGI program is another C++ program and when all processing is done, at the end, the CGI program has to communicate to the web page or create a new one. The CGI communicates back to the web page through the standard output (stdout) such as cout with embedded HTML tags inside the quotations. Note that the CGI program takes input from the HTML form and encodes it (URL encoding) by making a single string, since URL does not allow spaces. Instead of spaces, separators (delimiters) such as & (ampersand) and = (equal sign) are used. In the following example, the string with two input data such as the first name and last name are separated with & is sent to the CGI and the program has to strip the f= and save the values correspondingly. For simplicity, we are using one letter for the name of the field. f=John&f=Doe C++ CGI PROGRAM The following HTML file consists of a form with one input data and we want to send the input and get a response by echoing the input back. At first, an HTML file is created and, in the form tag, the action is specified by indicating the name of the executable CGI program (e.g. ebrahimi.cgi) which resides in the /cgi-bindirectory. The method of sending the data to the CGI program is POST where the data is sent via the program’s standard input in contrast to the other method GET where the data is sent through a program variable name known as environment variable. For the sake of simplicity, the field’s name is chosen as one character (e.g. f ) which with the = sign makes two characters (e.g. f =). One job of the CGI is to strip off these two characters and save the rest (e.g. value). The following CGI program takes the encoded URL, strips the first two characters, and saves the rest of the string into another string (e.g. str2), which is echoed back to the user. Note that the "Content-type: text/html\n\n" in cout<<"Content-type: text/html\n\n"; will inform the server that the CGI program is about to send data to the user in the form of an HTML page. Make sure to include the newline (\n). If you need to convert the above C++ program to C language for the reason of speed, you only need to change cin to scanf("%s", ) and cout to printf( "%s", ) and make sure to include #include <stdio.h>. <html> <form action=cgi-bin/ebrahimi.cgi method="post"> <input type=text name=f size=10> <input type=submit value=submit> </form> </html>Figure 20.35a - HTML form to take in user input #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ char str[100]; char str2[100]; cin>>str; int i=2; int n=0; for(i=2; str[i]!=0 ;i++) { str2[n]=str[i]; n++; }//REMOVE FIRST TWO CHARACTERS FROM POST str2[n++]=0;//SET THE END OF THE STRING TO NULL cout<<"Content-type: text/html\n\n"; cout<<str2; return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.35b - CGI program to take in a string and display it COMPILING A CGI PROGRAM The following compiles a CGI program under Linux (GNU c++ compiler known as g++). However, the executable code is redirected to a file with the extension .cgi. The command chmod (change mode) makes the executable code accessible to the public (read, no write, execute), but you can have all access permissions (read, write, execute). g++ -o ebrahimi.cgi ebrahimi.cpp chmod 755 ebrahimi.cgi Other operating systems may work differently than a Unix-like OS, but the concept would be the same. Note that one reason to place the CGI program in a specific directory like /cgi-bin is for security reasons and to make it easier for the system administrator to manage. A C++ CGI PROGRAM WITH TWO INPUT DATA The following C++ CGI program uses two input with the hope that you will understand how to write a multiple input program using the same strategy. The strategy is that every data has a field name followed by =, its value, and a separator (&) before the next field’s name. The program has to skip two characters to get to the value of the first input and, after that, three characters must be skipped between values. For example: f=John&f=Doe Note that the below program is just for you to understand the concept and you may want to generalize it so it can work with any input and any size field name. <html> <form action=cgi-bin/ebrahimi.cgi method="post"> First Name: <input type=text name=f size=10><br> Last Name: <input type=text name=f size=10><br> <input type=submit value=submit> </form> </html>Figure 20.36a - HTML form to take in two inputs #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char str[100]; char fname[100]; char lname[100]; cin>>str; int i=2; int n=0; for(i=2;str[i]!='&';i++){ fname[n]=str[i]; n++;} fname[n++]=0; n=0; for(i+=3;str[i]!=0;i++) { lname[n]=str[i]; n++;} lname[n++]=0; cout<<"Content-type: text/html\n\n"; cout<<"<HTML><B>Your Name: </B>"; cout<<fname<<" "<<lname; cout<<"</HTML>"; return 0;}//MAINFigure 20.36b - CGI program to take in two strings and display them Your Name: John Doe Figure 20.36c - Output as HTML page C++ CGI DATABASE The following program demonstrates how you simply can make a web application where users can interact with your program from anywhere using C++ with CGI capabilities. To make the program short, other database functions such as display, update, and deletion are omitted. The program creates a simple database with simple file handling without using other databases such as Access or SQL tools. The program follows a similar strategy of extracting the variables from the input (URL encoding). The variables need to be separated (i+=3), this extraction could be put into a function. For the sake of simplicity, each function is a separate form in HTML; you may want to try to put it into a single form. For each function, there is a separate CGI program in the cgi-bin directory. As an exercise, you can write those functions and optimize the code and even include object-oriented design. empdatabase.html <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR=ffdeaa> <CENTER><BR><B>Employee Database</B></CENTER><BR> <HR WIDTH=65%> <CENTER>Please select from the following choices:<BR><BR> <FORM ACTION="insertrecord.html"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="1. Insert a Record "></FORM> <FORM ACTION="cgi-bin/displayall.cgi"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="2. Display all Records "></FORM> <FORM ACTION="search.html"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="3. Search Database "></FORM> <FORM ACTION="cgi-bin/update.cgi"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="4. Update Record "></FORM> <FORM ACTION="cgi-bin/delete.cgi"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="5. Delete a Record "></FORM> </CENTER></BODY> </HTML>Figure 20.37a - HTML for the database menu insertrecord.html <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR=ffdeaa> <CENTER> <BR><B>Insert Record to Employee Database</B><BR><BR> <HR WIDTH=65%><BR> <FORM ACTION="cgi-bin/insertrec.cgi" METHOD="post"> <B>First Name: <INPUT TYPE=text NAME=f SIZE=15><BR><BR> Last Name: <INPUT TYPE=text NAME=f SIZE=15><BR><BR> Salary per hour: <INPUT TYPE=text NAME=f SIZE=5 value=0.00><BR><BR> Hours worked: <INPUT TYPE=text NAME=f SIZE=5><BR><BR> <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Submit Record"></FORM> </CENTER></BODY> </HTML>Figure 20.37b - HTML for inserting a record insertrec.cpp #include<iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; struct employee{ char fname[30], lname[30]; double salary, hoursworked, netpay;}; int main(){ char str[150], fnamef[20], lnamef[20], salaryf[10], hoursworkedf[10]; cin>>str; int i=2, n=0; for(i;str[i]!='&';i++){ fnamef[n]=str[i]; n++; }//FOR fnamef[n++]=0; n=0; for(i+=3;str[i]!='&';i++){ lnamef[n]=str[i]; n++; }//FOR lnamef[n++]=0; n=0; for(i+=3;str[i]!='&';i++){ salaryf[n]=str[i]; n++; }//FOR salaryf[n++]=0; n=0; for(i+=3;str[i]!=0;i++){ hoursworkedf[n]=str[i]; n++; }//FOR hoursworkedf[n++]=0; ofstream record("employee.txt",ios::app); record<<fnamef<<" "<<lnamef<<" "<<salaryf<<" "<<hoursworkedf<<endl; record.close(); cout<<"Content-type: text/html\n\n"; i=0; employee emp[100]; ifstream record2( "employee.txt", ios::in); cout<<"<BODY BGCOLOR=ffdeaa>"; cout<<"<BR><CENTER><B>Employee Database: Display All Records</B><BR>"; cout<<"<BR><HR WIDTH=65%><BR>"; cout<<"<TABLE BORDER=5><TR><TD><B>First Name</B></TD>"; cout<<"<TD><B>Last Name</B></TD>"; cout<<"<TD><B>Salary</B></TD>"; cout<<"<TD><B>HrsWorked</B></TD>"; cout<<"<TD><B>Net Pay:</B></TD>"; cout<<"</TR>"; while(record2>>emp[i].fname>>emp[i].lname>>emp[i].salary>>emp[i].hoursworked){ emp[i].netpay=emp[i].salary*emp[i].hoursworked; cout<<"<TR><TD>"<<emp[i].fname<<"</TD><TD>"; cout<<emp[i].lname<<"</TD><TD>"<<emp[i].salary<<"</TD><TD>"; cout<<emp[i].hoursworked<<"</TD><TD>"<<emp[i].netpay<<"</TD></TR>"; }//WHILE cout<<"</TABLE><br><br>"; cout<<"</CENTER></BODY>"; record2.close(); return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.37c - CGI program to insert a record into the database and display all search.html <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR=ffdeaa> <CENTER> <BR><B>Search Employee Database</B><BR><BR> <HR WIDTH=65%><BR> <FORM ACTION="cgi-bin/search.cgi" METHOD="post"> <B>Enter Employee's Last Name: </B> <INPUT TYPE=text name="f" SIZE=15> <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Search"></FORM> </CENTER> </BODY> </HTML>Figure 20.37d - HTML to take in search name search.cpp #include<iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; struct employee{ char fname[30], lname[30]; double salary, hoursworked, netpay; }; int main(){ char buff[100], buff2[100]; cin>>buff; cout<<"Content-type: text/html\n\n"; int i=2; while(buff[i]!=0){ buff2[i-2]=buff[i]; i++;}//WHILE buff2[i-2]=0; cout<<"<BODY BGCOLOR=ffdeaa>"; cout<<"<CENTER><BR><B>Search results</B><BR><HR WIDTH=65%><br><br>"; employee emp[100]; ifstream record("employee.txt", ios::in); i=0; int k=-1; while(record>>emp[i].fname>>emp[i].lname>>emp[i].salary>>emp[i].hoursworked) {i++;} for(int j=0;j<i;j++){ if(strcmp(buff2,emp[j].lname)==0) k=j; }//FOR if(k!=-1){ emp[k].netpay=emp[k].salary*emp[k].hoursworked; cout<<"<TABLE BORDER=5>"; cout<<"<TR><TD>First Name:</TD><TD>"<<emp[k].fname<<"</TD></TR>"; cout<<"<TR><TD>Last Name:</TD><TD>"<<emp[k].lname<<"</TD</TR>"; cout<<"<TR><TD>Salary:</TD><TD>"<<emp[k].salary<<"</TD></TR>"; cout<<"<TR><TD>Hrs Worked:</TD><TD>"<<emp[k].hoursworked<<"</TD></TR>"; cout<<"<TR><TD>Net Pay:</TD><TD>"<<emp[k].netpay<<"</TD></TR></TABLE>";} else {cout<<"Record not found"<<"<br>";} cout<<"</CENTER></BODY></HTML>"; return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.37e - CGI program to search for a record and display it A C++ SIMPLE DATABASE TO CONVERT TO OBJECT The following program is a simple database with insertion, display, modify (update), deletion, and report functions for employee records. The program saves the employee records to a file and computes gross pay. The database has a delete file function with a password. This program uses an array of structs and each employee has its own first and last name, hourly rate, hours worked, and gross pay. At start of the program, the load function is called that uploads the records from the file to an array; similarly, when the program is exited, the store function downloads the array to the file. As an exercise, you may want to redesign the program using an object-oriented paradigm by defining a class called Dbase that has all the operations on the database and consists of the objects of all employees (e.g. 100 employees). #include<fstream> #include<string> #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; struct employee{ string fname, lname; double hourlyrate, hoursworked, netpay; }; //employee employee e[100]; int n=0; void load(){ ifstream fin("employee.txt",ios::in); while(fin>>e[n].fname>>e[n].lname>>e[n].hourlyrate>>e[n].hoursworked){ e[n].netpay=e[n].hourlyrate*e[n].hoursworked; n++;}//WHILE }//LOAD void store(){ ofstream fout("employee.txt",ios::out); for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ if(e[i].fname!=" ") fout<<e[i].fname<<" "<<e[i].lname<<" "<<e[i].hourlyrate<<" "<<e[i].hoursworked<<endl; }//FOR }//STORE void insert(){ cout<<"Enter employee's first name: "; cin>>e[n].fname; cout<<"Enter employee's last name: "; cin>>e[n].lname; cout<<"Enter employee's salary per hour: "; cin>>e[n].hourlyrate; if( {cout<<"Error\n"; exit(1);} cout<<"Enter employee's hours worked: "; cin>>e[n].hoursworked; e[n].netpay=e[n].hourlyrate*e[n].hoursworked; n++; }//INSERTS THE RECORD TO ARRAY void display(){ cout<<setiosflags(ios::left)<<setw(15)<<"First Name"<<setw(15)<<"Last Name"; cout<<setw(10)<<"Hourly Rate"<<setw(10)<<"HrsWorked"<<setw(10)<<"Net Pay"; cout<<endl<<endl; cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed|ios::showpoint|ios::left); for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ if(e[i].fname!=" "){ cout<<setiosflags(ios::left)<<setw(15)<<e[i].fname<<setw(15)<<e[i].lname; cout<<setprecision(2)<<setiosflags(ios::left)<<setw(10)<<e[i].hourlyrate; cout<<setw(10)<<e[i].hoursworked<<setw(10)<<e[i].netpay; cout<<resetiosflags(ios::left)<<endl;}//IF }//FOR }//THIS FUNCTION DISPLAYS ALL RECORDS IN ARRAY int search(string s){ for(int i=0;i<n;i++)if(s==e[i].lname)return i;//FOR return -1; }//SEARCH BY NAME,-1 NOT FOUND void update(){ string searchn; cout<<"Enter the Last Name of the Employee to be modified: "; cin>>searchn; int i=search(searchn); if(i==-1) cout<<"EMPLOYEE NOT LISTED"<<endl; else{ cout<<endl<<"Please enter the updated information."<<endl; cout<<"Enter employee's first name: "; cin>>e[i].fname; cout<<"Enter employee's last name: "; cin>>e[i].lname; cout<<"Enter employee's rate per hour: "; cin>>e[i].hourlyrate; cout<<"Enter employee's hours worked: "; cin>>e[i].hoursworked; e[i].netpay=(e[i].hourlyrate*e[i].hoursworked);} }//UPDATE void deleterec(){ string searchn; cout<<"Enter the Last Name of the Employee to delete: "; cin>>searchn; int k=-1; for(int j=0; j<n;j++){ if(searchn==e[j].lname) k=j;} if(k!=-1) { cout<<" Name: "<<e[k].fname<<" "<<e[k].lname<<endl; cout<<" Salary: "<<e[k].hourlyrate<<endl; cout<<" Hrs Worked: "<<e[k].hoursworked<<endl; cout<<" Net Pay: "<<e[k].netpay<<endl<<endl;} char ans; cout<<endl<<"Do you want to delete this record? (Y/N): "; cin>>ans; if(ans=='Y'||ans=='y'){ e[k].fname=" ";}//IF else cout<<"EMPLOYEE NOT FOUND"; }//DELETE void report(){ int i=0; double totalhrs=0.00, totalpay=0.00; for(i=0;i<n;i++){ totalhrs+=e[i].hoursworked; totalpay+=e[i].netpay; }//FOR cout<<"Total number of employees: " <<n<<endl<<endl; cout<<"Total hours worked by all employees: "<<totalhrs<<endl<<endl; cout<<"Total pay of all employees: "<<totalpay<<endl<<endl; }//REPORT void deletefile(){ int pword; cout<<"Enter your administrative password: "; cin>>pword; if(pword==5438){ ofstream record("employee.txt", ios::out); record<<endl; load(); record.close();} else cout<<"Wrong password entered."<<endl; }//DELETE FILE void backupfile(){ system("copy employee.txt backup.txt"); cout<<endl<<"Back-up file has been made."<<endl; }//BACKUPFILE use cp command for UNIX int main(){ load(); char choice; while (choice!='e'&&choice!='E'){ cout<<endl<<"Payroll Database"<<endl; cout<<"1. Insert Employee Record and Compute Net Pay"<<endl; cout<<"2. Display All Records"<<endl; cout<<"3. Search Database"<<endl; cout<<"4. Update Record"<<endl; cout<<"5. Delete Record"<<endl; cout<<"6. Generate Report"<<endl; cout<<"7. Delete Database File"<<endl; cout<<"8. Back-up Database File"<<endl; cout<<endl<<" Type e to exit"<<endl<<endl; cout<<"Enter the number of your choice:"; cin>>choice; cout<<endl; switch (choice){ case '1': insert(); break; case '2': display(); break; case '3': char s[100]; int index; cout<<"Enter the last name of the person you want: "; cin>>s; index=search(s); if(index!=-1) { cout<<"Name: "<<e[index].fname<<" "<<e[index].lname<<endl; cout<<"Hourly Rate: "<<e[index].hourlyrate<<endl; cout<<"Hrs Worked: "<<e[index].hoursworked<<endl; cout<<"Net Pay: "<<e[index].netpay<<endl<<endl;}//IF else cout<<"EMPLOYEE NOT FOUND"<<endl; break; case '4': update(); break; case '5': deleterec(); break; case '6': report(); break; case '7': deletefile(); break; case '8': backupfile(); break; case 'e': store(); break; //EXIT default: cout<<"Invalid Choice"<<endl; break; }//SWITCH }//WHILE return 0; }//MAINFigure 20.38a – A simple C++ database Payroll Database 1. Insert Employee Record and Compute Net Pay 2. Display All Records 3. Search Database 4. Update Record 5. Delete Record 6. Generate Report 7. Delete Database File 8. Back-up Database File Type e to exit Enter the number of your choice:1 Enter employee's first name: Alireza Enter employee's last name: Ebrahimi Enter employee's salary per hour: 55.00 Enter employee's hours worked: 50 Payroll Database 1. Insert Employee Record and Compute Net Pay 2. Display All Records 3. Search Database 4. Update Record 5. Delete Record 6. Generate Report 7. Delete Database File 8. Back-up Database File Type e to exit Enter the number of your choice:2 First Name Last Name Hourly Rate HrsWorked Net Pay John Taylor 50.00 48.00 2400.00 Jean Doe 50.00 42.00 2100.00 Alireza Ebrahimi 55.00 50.00 2750.00 Payroll Database 1. Insert Employee Record and Compute Net Pay 2. Display All Records 3. Search Database 4. Update Record 5. Delete Record 6. Generate Report 7. Delete Database File 8. Back-up Database File Type e to exit Enter the number of your choice:eFigure 20.38b - Output of Figure 20.38a JAVA DATABASE EQUIVALENT TO THE C++ DATABASE The following Java database program demonstrates how your knowledge of C++ will help you to write Java applications. You will realize that the control structures are the same (while, if/else, for); however, there are differences in java file handling and user input. File handling in java is a little more complicated due to the class nature of the file. Input from the keyboard has to be parsed into the desired format. There are two stages of compiling Java programs: compilation and interpretation. The compilation of the .java file creates a .class bytecode file that can be interpreted in virtually any platform (Virtual Machine). One of the benefits of Java is its portability and its ability to create applets that can be run on browsers. Java does not have pointers and applets cannot directly access files due to security restrictions. To read input or values, StreamTokenizer is used to read either a string (sval) or a number (nval) as instance variables. The Cin class is used for input from the keyboard and once it is compiled, the class can be used in other applications as long as it is in the same directory. import*; public class Database { private static final int MAX = 100; private Cin cin = new Cin(); private String name[] = new String[MAX]; private double hourlyrate[] = new double[MAX]; private double hoursworked[] = new double[MAX]; private double grosspay[] = new double[MAX]; private String searchName; private String fileName; private int n = 0; public void load() throws IOException{ try{ Reader fi = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream("employee.dat"))); StreamTokenizer fin = new StreamTokenizer(fi); int tokenType; tokenType = fin.nextToken(); while((tokenType != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF)){ name[n] = fin.sval; fin.nextToken(); hourlyrate[n] = fin.nval; fin.nextToken(); hoursworked[n] = fin.nval; grosspay[n] = hoursworked[n] * hourlyrate[n]; tokenType = fin.nextToken(); n++; }//WHILE }//TRY catch(IOException ex){ System.out.println(ex); }//CATCH }//LOAD public void insert(){ System.out.print("Enter the employee name: "); name[n] = cin.readString(); System.out.print("What is employee hourly rate? "); hourlyrate[n] = cin.readDouble(); System.out.print("How many hours did the employee work? "); hoursworked[n] = cin.readDouble(); grosspay[n] = hoursworked[n] * hourlyrate[n]; n++; }//INSERT public void display(){ for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ){ if(name[i]!=""){ System.out.println( name[i] + " " + grosspay[i] );}//IF }//FOR }//DISPLAY public boolean search(){ System.out.print("Enter the search name: "); String searchName = cin.readString(); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ if ( searchName.equalsIgnoreCase(name[i])){ System.out.println("Found: "+name[i]); System.out.println("Grosspay: "+grosspay[i]); return true; }//IF }//FOR System.out.println("Name not found"); return true; }//SEARCH public boolean modify(){ System.out.print("Enter the search name: "); String searchName = cin.readString(); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ if ( searchName.equalsIgnoreCase(name[i])){ System.out.print("What is employee hourly rate? "); hourlyrate[i] = cin.readDouble(); System.out.print("How many hours did the employee work?"); hoursworked[i] = cin.readDouble(); grosspay[i] = hoursworked[i] * hourlyrate[i]; return true; }//IF }//FOR System.out.println("Name not found"); return false; }//MODIFY public boolean remove(){ System.out.print("Enter the search name: "); String searchName = cin.readString(); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ if ( searchName.equalsIgnoreCase(name[i])){ name[i] = ""; return true; }//IF }//FOR System.out.println("Name not found"); return false; }//REMOVE public void quit() throws IOException{; System.out.println("Thank you"); System.exit(0); }//QUIT public void store() throws IOException{ try{ FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("employee.dat"); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(out); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ if ( name[i] != "" ) ps.println( name[i] + "\t" + hourlyrate[i] + "\t" + hoursworked[i] ); }//FOR out.close(); }//TRY catch( IOException ex ){ System.out.println(ex); }//CATCH }//STORE public static void main( String args[] ) throws IOException{ Database db = new Database(); Cin read = new Cin(); db.load(); int choice = 0; do{System.out.println("\t1-Insert"); System.out.println("\t2-Display"); System.out.println("\t3-Search"); System.out.println("\t4-Modify"); System.out.println("\t5-Remove"); System.out.println("\t6-Quit"); choice = read.readInt(); if( choice == 1 ) db.insert(); else if( choice == 2 ) db.display(); else if( choice == 3 ); else if( choice == 4 ) db.modify(); else if ( choice == 5 ) db.remove(); else if ( choice == 6 ) db.quit(); else System.out.println("Enter correct number"); } while(true); }//MAIN }//DATABASEFigure 20.39a - A simple Java database import*; import java.util.*; public class Cin { static InputStreamReader instream = new InputStreamReader( ); static BufferedReader buffreader = new BufferedReader( instream ); StringTokenizer token; StringTokenizer getToken() throws IOException { String str = buffreader.readLine(); return new StringTokenizer(str); } public int readInt(){ try{ token = getToken(); return Integer.parseInt(token.nextToken()); }catch(IOException ex){ System.err.println("IO EXCEPTION in - readInt"); return 0; } }//READINT public double readDouble() { try { token = getToken(); return new Double(token.nextToken()).doubleValue(); }catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println("IO Exception - readDouble"); return 0.0; } }//READDOUBLE public String readString() { try { return buffreader.readLine(); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println("IO Exception in EasyIn.readString"); return ""; } }//READSTRING }//CINFigure 20.39b - Java Cin class for input 1-Insert 2-Display 3-Search 4-Modify 5-Remove 6-Quit 4 Enter the search name: Alireza What is employee hourly rate? 56.00 How many hours did the employee work?50 1-Insert 2-Display 3-Search 4-Modify 5-Remove 6-Quit 2 Alireza 2800.0 Husain 2025.0 Zainab 2500.0 Zahra 3500.0 Mehdi 3200.0 1-Insert 2-Display 3-Search 4-Modify 5-Remove 6-Quit 6 Thank youFigure 20.39c - Output for Figure 20.39a TOPICS NOT COVERED HERE Programming is not a satisfying subject. Programmers are like painters or composers who usually are not completely happy with the masterpieces they create. A programmer looks for better ways to optimize from more friendliness to different interfaces. Like many other fields, programming can be a never-ending story and to this end, I compare the field of programming to the field of medicine with its many specialized sub-fields. A program is the body and a programmer is a physician. For the beginner, the recognition of the symptoms of diseases is a way to learn, not a reason to get frustrated and withdrawn. I found that beginners often feel frustrated when they encounter errors and easily withdraw and conclude that they cannot handle it or that they are not suitable for becoming a programmer or even understanding programming. Beginners have to be reminded that it is okay to be frustrated and that it takes time to overcome any difficulties they may have. Beginners should be encouraged to be patient and learn from their errors, even from their friend’s errors. The following subjects on optimizing and improving your algorithms and program problem solving skills are major topics in undergraduate as well as graduate study. Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis is a way to analyze algorithms and explore different ways to solve a problem and store and utilize data. Complexity analysis is done by the amount of time and space the program requires. STL has built-in canned solutions for some of the data structures and algorithms that can be reused in programs. Object-Oriented Programming is the study of object-oriented languages such as Simula, Smalltalk, C++, Ada, Java, and Visual Basic and explores the object-oriented design. OOP is a deep topic, historically starting in the 1960’s with Simula and then getting more acquainted with Smalltalk, C++, Ada, and C#. A new trend in software engineering is the use of object-oriented modeling and design, which incorporates UML in the software process such as software life cycles. I did not cover the differences between C++ and C# (C sharp), but I recommend that you explore Microsoft C# (C sharp) and see how it tries to put together the best of both C++ and Java into one language. Dynamic Web Pages deals with creating a dynamic web program such as a database for a club to keep track of events and statistics. If you like entertainment, you can make your own game programming and learn how games are created using graphic user interfaces, it is an interesting and lucrative field. Virtual reality is a good tool for creating walk-through situations. You will be surprised to find that many games are written by beginner programmers and with this book you have the essential knowledge needed to build these games. Simulation is also an important field that uses computer models to imitate real world situations such as traffic through a telephone system or computer network.Some simulation requires sophisticated statistical analysis. In fact, Simula 67, the first object-oriented language, was created for simulation. Similarly, C++ was designed as a result of simulation. Visualization and Plan Programming (VPCL) A plan consists of related pieces of code representing a specific action. A plan can be as short as a single statement, such as an incrementer plan, or a series of scattered lines of code used for declaration, initialization, and incrementation to accumulate the number of objects, identified as a counter plan. Another example of a plan is the entire group of codes that form a program function used to sort data, known as the sort plan. Plans should not be mistaken for functions. A function might be a plan but a plan is not always a function since the codes of a plan may be scattered throughout the program. Also, plans are independent of programming languages and can be coded into any programming language. VPCL (Visual Plan Construct Language) is a plan programming language that I designed as part of my dissertation based on findings of novice programmer errors as a result of programming and language construct misconceptions. VPCL consists of a plan library with three phases of learning and programming development. These phases range from elementary (plan observation), intermediate (plan integration), to an advanced level (plan creation), where plans are rehearsed, integrated, and finally developed. In phase 2, VPCL indicates to the user whether or not the plan integration for the given problem is correct. To expand upon this, reasoning can be incorporated into phase 3 of VPCL in the development of new plans. This can be accomplished by observing the user’s selections of existing plans from the plan library, or creating new ones. In this manner, VPCL can collect clues to determine the user’s intent. An interface engine can be developed to implement this kind of reasoning. Based on the clues and gathered information, VPCL can aid and suggest proper courses of action. Finally, we can divide programming into two major parts: application programming and system programming. System programming is the building of systems such as operating systems (Unix and Windows), and compilers (C++). In operating systems, system programming is used to build system commands as well as to manage memory and other resources such as CPU (processes) scheduling and their interaction. In compiler writing, system programmers write different phases of compilers such as lexical analyzers, parsers, and code generators. System programming requires high programming skill; for example, Ken Thompson (UNIXfirst design and B language), Dennis Ritchie (designer of C language) and Bjarne Stroustrup (designer of C++) are system programmers. CLOSING REMARKS AND LOOKING AHEAD It is time to wrap up this journey by saying that you have gone through quite a long road with this book and some parts may have been rough and bumpy. I have a few thoughts to share with you. You may compare what you know to a drop in an ocean, but let me congratulate you for joining the minority group of less than even 1% of society that knows programming or what it takes to become a programmer. I have not met many people who sincerely admit that they like programming. On the other hand, I found many people who do not like programming, for what reasons I cannot categorize them all. People who do not like programming have one thing in common, and that is that they want to learn it badly. They wish we could inject them with all of the knowledge. The problem that I found with beginners is that they tend to treat programming as a sequential concept. For example, let me learn all the keywords of a language, then I am going to program and if the meaning of one keyword is not clear then I cannot understand the rest. A combination of time, experience, and ambition is the key to success. Programming is not a one shot learning process, but rather an incremental learning process and you must allow yourself time to work with it and grow. In programming, like anything else, it is important to focus on what is important. It is like watching a movie; you do not have to see or hear everything; you can put the pieces together. Similarly, you do not have to know every single keyword and their functions to program; but your goal should be to know as much as you can, even the exceptional cases. Can you imagine if you focus 99% of your time on a subject that is only useful 1% of the time. Alternatively, you should spend most of your time on the topics that are most important. If you can determine what is important and what is not, then learning becomes easier and more fun and you will not be easily overwhelmed or disappointed. My job throughout this book was to look at the subject matter critically from a learner’s point of view and explain it through a learner’s eye, sometimes with the cost of not giving complete details at the time, but explaining the concept further later on. I always tried to see if an idea could be represented in a better way. I want to encourage you to think critically as well as to look for a better way to represent the subject or a better way to solve a problem. Looking back on my own experiences with programming, I appreciate the people who instilled the confidence in me to understand programming and I want you to know that if I can do it, you can to. In this book I have expressed my views and opinions and many may not share them. We want you to express your feelings. The field of computer programming has not drastically changed since the beginning; some times it even went backwards rather than forwards. Is that good or bad? Obviously not incorporating new technology into programming for beginners is not good news, and something must be done cumulatively to standardize programming itself, not just a particular language like C/C++. If you ask me what my advice would be to you if you are a beginner, stick to input/output, decision, loop, basics of file handling, functions, and arrays and with this set of tools you can solve any problem you desire from a financial application to the launching of a space shuttle. We should remember that learning a language is learning how to program and solve problems; a language is a tool like a paintbrush and should not be a problem in itself. At your level, try to solve problems such as statistical problems (max, min, standard deviation), searching problems, and sorting problems. Knowledge of searching techniques is very important; it is one of the most important jobs of a computer today. Use the language as a tool to achieve the solution to a problem, it is not important to know every single language construct. Learn the object-oriented concept; in the beginning it may be tedious, but it will become easier and you will find many advantages as you apply it to problems such as not needing to pass parameters each time to the functions. As you progress through object-oriented programming, it becomes more involved and you will need to build more experience with it. With the emergence of the object-oriented programming paradigm as a topic added to languages, the time spent on problem solving has shrunk, and as a result we have programmers with more knowledge of programming languages but less experience with problem solving. At an intermediate level, get accustomed to the concept of structure, class, object-oriented pillars, recursion, file handling, error checking, advanced functions (pass of parameters), strings, pointer manipulation, and more rigorous sorting and searching techniques. At an advanced level you should focus more on objects, advanced pointers and linked lists as well as learning and programming a variety of data structures and analyzing different algorithms. Try to put your experience into building a large program with a software engineering approach, by collaborating with others and incorporating existing components. Optimization and algorithm complexity are ongoing topics that many researchers still focus on. The STL consists of containers, iterators, and algorithms and each of these components has room for expansion and improvement. We are finishing the book that to me was a collection of many books and ideas that I have used in teaching my programming classes. I admit that I have learned from my students and my learning did not end as I progressed in writing this book. For any problem, corrections, and comments please visit the site: and e-mail me at |