

Module Seven

Module 7
Managerial Support Systems & acquiring IT Applications
Ch. 9 Managerial Support Systems - Ch. 10 Acquiring Info Systems & Applications

Quiz Answers

Program Presentation

Chapter 9 from Introduction to Information Systems
PowerPoint Presentation

Sample In-class Submission- Study several managerial resumes and rank them based on what have you learned
Credit: Katierose Brower

Discuss the importance of managerial support systems and how to acquire them

Write a page report on importance of managerial support system and how show should manager acquire IT Applications

Chapter 10 from Introduction to Information Systems
PowerPoint Presentation

EAM 2009 Submission Guidelines
Submit YOUR report by December 8th

Module 7 - Class Notes
These are class notes taken by a student I had a previous semester that correspond with your assignment for this module. They are not necessary but some students find them helpful.